Mary C. Offutt

F, b. April 18, 1732
FatherJohn Offutt1 b. c 1707, d. bt 10 Sep 1743 - 22 Nov 1743
MotherEsther (?)1 b. c 1709
Last EditedJuly 16, 2006
     Mary C. Offutt was born on April 18, 1732 at MD, USA.2,3 As of December 5, 1751,her married name was Low.2,4,5 She married David Low Jr., son of David Low Sr., on December 5, 1751 at MD, USA.2,3,6


David Low Jr.


  1. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 136.
  2. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 136. Referenced the Bible Record of Roy E. Gibson.
  3. [S16] "David & Mary Low Family Bible Transcript", Pg. 200.
  4. [S16] "David & Mary Low Family Bible Transcript", Page 200.
  5. [S43] "David & Mary Low Family Bible Transcript", Page 75.
  6. [S43] "David & Mary Low Family Bible Transcript", Pg. 75.

Ephraim Andrews

M, d. circa 1783
ReferenceN.O.C. Vol 1
Last EditedJuly 30, 2023
     Ephraim Andrews was a Doctor. He married Esther Offutt.1 Ephraim Andrews died circa 1783 at Baltimore County, MD, USA.


Esther (?) b. c 1709


  1. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 136.

Letitia Harris

F, b. circa 1736
FatherSamuel Harris1
Last EditedJuly 16, 2006
     Letitia Harris was born circa 1736 at Mecklenburg, NC, USA.1 She married Dr. William Johnson Offutt, son of John Offutt and Esther (?), in 1752 at Savannah, Chatham County, GA, USA.2,3 As of 1752,her married name was Offutt.4 Letitia Harris married Dr. William Johnson Offutt, son of John Offutt and Esther (?), in 1752 at Columbia County, GA, USA.1 Letitia Harris Letitia Offutt listed as a widow in the GA Lottery of 1819. According to information provided by Vivian Mettee, Letitia Harris was of a good Savannah family, and was a sister of Elijah Harris who was the grandfather of Rev. James Evans, a distinguished Methodist Minister. in 1819 at GA, USA. As of 2005, Letitia Harris was also known as Litetia Harris.1


Dr. William Johnson Offutt b. c 1730, d. b 1819


  1. [S494] Charles R. Cockrell, "Fam. Grp. Shts. of Charles R. Cockrell."
  2. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 136.
  3. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 174.
  4. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 174.

Anne Offutt

F, b. circa 1753
FatherDr. William Johnson Offutt b. c 1730, d. b 1819
MotherLetitia Harris b. c 1736
Last EditedFebruary 14, 2012
     Anne Offutt was born circa 1753 at GA, USA.1 She was born in 1755 at GA, USA.2 Her married name was Grant.3 Her married name was Lillibridge.4,1 She married Hampton Lillibridge.4,1


  1. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 235. Referenced "Annals of Georgia."
  2. [S494] Charles R. Cockrell, "Fam. Grp. Shts. of Charles R. Cockrell."
  3. [S494] Charles R. Cockrell, "Fam. Grp. Shts. of Charles R. Cockrell", According to this information there was 1 child.
  4. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 174.

Cassandra Offutt

F, b. 1777, d. 1852
FatherDr. William Johnson Offutt b. c 1730, d. b 1819
MotherLetitia Harris b. c 1736
Last EditedApril 25, 2008
     Cassandra Offutt According to "Rooting Around Kansas", Vol. 2 #1, 1 Jan 1982, the marriage was to a William McPherson McIntosh. She was born in 1777 at Savannah, Chatham County, GA, USA.1,2 As of December 23, 1795,her married name was McIntosh.3,4,5 She married James McPherson McIntosh, son of John MacIntosh and Isabella Macpherson, on December 23, 1795.6 Cassandra Offutt married James McPherson McIntosh, son of John MacIntosh and Isabella Macpherson, on December 24, 1795 at Savannah, Chatham County, GA, USA.7,4,5 Cassandra Offutt died in 1852 at Wilkes County, GA, USA.1,2 She was buried after 1852 at Smyrna Methodist Church Cemetery, Wilkes County, GA, USA.1,2


James McPherson McIntosh b. 1762, d. 1848


  1. [S494] Charles R. Cockrell, "Fam. Grp. Shts. of Charles R. Cockrell."
  2. [S615] Smyrna Meth. Ch. Cemetery, Wilkes Cty., GA, online, McIntosh, Cassandra Offutt ??-???-1777 ??-???-1852 ; Cassandra Offutt, w/o James McIntosh, born Savannah Ga.
  3. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 174. Provided full date.
  4. [S150] Letter, L.C. McCall to David W. Offutt, Provided same date and location. Source of information was apparently the Archives of Georgia.
  5. [S352] "Unknown short article title", Pg. 117. Miss Offat m. James McIntosh, Esq., at the plantation of Hampton Lillibridge, Essq., near Savannah, GA on 24 Dec 1795.
  6. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 235-A. Provided full date.
  7. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 174. Provided full date.

Captain Ezekiel Offutt1

M, b. 1756
FatherDr. William Johnson Offutt b. c 1730, d. b 1819
MotherLetitia Harris b. c 1736
Last EditedApril 15, 2006
     Captain Ezekiel Offutt was born in 1756.2 He was born in 1758 at GA, USA.3 He began military service as a Refugee Soldier circa 1776 at GA, USA, in the Refugee Regiment, his service is proven under Warrant 906; Refugee Soldier.4,5 He was found on May 25, 1784 in the property records at Franklin County, GA, USA.6 He was found on November 15, 1784 in the property records at Washington County, GA, USA.7 He married Jemima Watkins on March 24, 1788.8 Captain Ezekiel Offutt married Jemima Watkins on March 26, 1788 at Columbia County, GA, USA.9,10,11 Captain Ezekiel Offutt married Jemima Watkins on March 26, 1788 at Richmond County, GA, USA; Marriage of Ezekiel Offutt and Jamima Wilkins.12,3,13,14 Captain Ezekiel Offutt was listed in tax records in 1803 at Jackson County, GA, USA.15


Jemima Watkins d. 1 Apr 1822


  1. [S580] State Historian Lucian Lamar Knight, GA Roster of the Revolution, THE HARVEY LIST.
    Miss Margaret B. Harvey's alphabetical list of Georgia Revolutionary Soldiers, of all ranks and names, including Continentals, Militia, Provincials, Minute Men, Rangers, Partisans, Mariners, Sons of Liberty, Independents, etc. Published as Appendix F, in the Third Annual Report of the National Society, D. A. R., to the Smithsonian Institution. Senate Documents, Volume 16, Number 219, Fifty-sixth Congress, Second Session, 1900-1901, pp. 369-393.
    Offutt, Ezekiel, Captain….
  2. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 236. Referenced National Genealogical Quarterly, Dec 1968, Vol 56 #4; as well as "Annals of Georgia."
  3. [S494] Charles R. Cockrell, "Fam. Grp. Shts. of Charles R. Cockrell."
  4. [S580] State Historian Lucian Lamar Knight, GA Roster of the Revolution, Pg. 389. List, published as Appendix E, in the 3rd Annual Report of the National Society, D.A.R. Also found on page 136: From Certificates of Service in the American Revolution on file in the Office of the Secretary of State, in the State Capitol. Offutt, Ezekiel: Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. Warrant 906. 2nd Certificate of Gb. Lee, Col., May 17, 1784. Petitioner prays 575 acres in Washington County.
  5. [S583] Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck, Rev. War Bounty Land Grants Awarded by State Govt's, Pg. 397. Lists Ezekiel Offutt as a Georgia Refugee Captain, 26 May 1784, 287 1/2 acres.
  6. [S580] State Historian Lucian Lamar Knight, GA Roster of the Revolution, Pg. 293. From the Surveyor Generals Book G: Offutt, Ezekiel; 287 1/2 acres Franklin Cty., bounded N. Robt. Walton, E. & W. vacant, S. William Pulliam. Cut N. & S. by south fork of Cobb's creek, survey 19. May 25, 1784, page 10.
  7. [S580] State Historian Lucian Lamar Knight, GA Roster of the Revolution, Pg. 290. From the Surveyor Generals Book F: Offutt, Ezekiel; 575 acres Washington Cty., bounded N. Wm. Thompson, E. Bernard Heard, S. vacant, W. Jno. Kendall, on Rocky creek, survey 879. Nov. 15, 1784, page 403.
  8. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 174. Provided full date.
  9. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 236. Provided full date. Referenced National Genealogical Quarterly, Dec 1968, Vol 56 #4; as well as "Annals of Georgia."
  10. [S234] Genealogy Library Site, online, Index: Richmond County, GA Marriages From 1769 to 1850.
  11. [S353] Marriage Records, CD #3; AL, GA, SC Marriage Records, Provided date and county/state information. Marriage between a Jemima Wilkins and an Ezekial Offutt.
  12. [S173] Early Marriage Records, Early Am. Marriages; Atlantic South.
  13. [S486] Web Site, online unknown url,; Richmond County Georgia Marriages from 1769 - 1850.
  14. [S486] Web Site, online unknown url, - OFFUTT, Ezekiel WILKINS, Jamima 26-Mar-1788 Georgia, Richmond County.
  15. [S234] Genealogy Library Site, online, Georgia Pioneers, Volume 8. Lists an entry in Captain Samuel Shields District, Digest of Taxable Property for 1803, Jackson County, Georgia.

John Bacon III1

Last EditedJanuary 23, 2010
     John Bacon III married Obediance Hobson.1


Obediance Hobson


  1. [S494] Charles R. Cockrell, "Fam. Grp. Shts. of Charles R. Cockrell."

Nathaniel Offutt

M, b. 1762
FatherDr. William Johnson Offutt b. c 1730, d. b 1819
MotherLetitia Harris b. c 1736
Last EditedSeptember 22, 2010
     Nathaniel Offutt was born in 1762 at Three Sisters, SC, USA.1,2 He was born in 1762 at Columbia County, GA, USA.3 He began military service circa March, 1779 at SC, USA, served under Col. L. Hammond and Capt. P. Hammond.4,5 He ended military service on June 20, 1779.6 He began military service in 1780 at GA, USA, served with a Col. Twigs of GA.7,8,9 He ended military service circa January 15, 1781.10 He began military service after January 15, 1781 at Montgomery County, MD, USA, drafted for 6 months by the 4th Maryland Regiment of Regulars.11 He ended military service circa October 19, 1781 at Annapolis, MD, USA.12 He was found on January 1, 1822 in the property records at Washington County, GA, USA.13 He was found in 1832 in the property records at Washington County, GA, USA; Land Lottery.14,15 He was a member of the military on March 25, 1834, serving with at Washington County, GA, USA; Revolutionary War Pension Claim filed.16,17 He was found on July 1, 1843 in the property records at Washington County, GA, USA.18 He saying that the Dr Wm. Johnson Offutt had no listing for a son named Nathaniel.19


  1. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 174. Provided year and state.
  2. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pp. 242-244. Referenced pages contain a transcript of the Pension File contained in the National Archives under file #S 31887 for Nathaniel Offutt. In this pension application Nathaniel states that he was born in this year at the place named.
  3. [S494] Charles R. Cockrell, "Fam. Grp. Shts. of Charles R. Cockrell."
  4. [S124] Virgil D. White Gen. Abstracts Revolutionary War Pensions, Pg. 2531. Has that Nathaniel served, provides date and place of birth.
  5. [S354] Nathaniel Offutt, Pension, S31887, Roll 1840, Pension File #S 31887. Provides commander's name and dates of first period of service.
  6. [S354] Nathaniel Offutt, Pension, S31887, Roll 1840, Pension File #S 31887. Provides date for end of first service period.
  7. [S354] Nathaniel Offutt, Pension, S31887, Roll 1840, Pension File #S 31887. Provides date for beginning of second service period.
  8. [S580] State Historian Lucian Lamar Knight, GA Roster of the Revolution, Pg. 136. From Certificates of Service in the American Revolution on file in the Office of the Secretary of State, in the State Capitol. Offutt, Nathaniel: Certificate as refugee soldier, Wm. Candler, Col., Refugee Regt. Warrant 1372. Also found on page 389, published as Appendix E, in the 3rd Annual Report of the National Society, D.A.R.
  9. [S583] Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck, Rev. War Bounty Land Grants Awarded by State Govt's, Pg. 397. Lists Nathaniel Offutt Georgia Refugee, 27 Apr. 1784, 287 1/2 acres.
  10. [S354] Nathaniel Offutt, Pension, S31887, Roll 1840, Pension File #S 31887. Provides date for end of second service period.
  11. [S354] Nathaniel Offutt, Pension, S31887, Roll 1840, Pension File #S 31887. Provides date for beginning of third service period.
  12. [S354] Nathaniel Offutt, Pension, S31887, Roll 1840, Pension File #S 31887. Provides date for end of third service period.
  13. [S486] Web Site, online unknown url, Lists a property action between Robert Brooks of Washington County, GA and Nathaniel Offutt of Washington County, GA in the amount of $100 for Lot 172, 202 1/2 acres in the 4th District, Houston County, GA. Recorded 24 November 1823.
  14. [S351] Marie De Lomar and Elizabeth Rolthstein, Rcds. of Washington Cty., GA, Pg. 43. Lists Nath'l Offutt, Revolutionary Soldieras a resident of Washington County, GA who drew for land in the lottery.
  15. [S486] Web Site, online unknown url,; Authentic List of All Land Lottery Grants Made to Veterans of the Revolutionary War by the State of Georgia, Alex M. Hitz.
  16. [S124] Virgil D. White Gen. Abstracts Revolutionary War Pensions, Pg. 2531.
  17. [S354] Nathaniel Offutt, Pension, S31887, Roll 1840, Pension File #S 31887.
  18. [S486] Web Site, online unknown url,; Authentic List of All Land Lottery Grants Made to Veterans of the Revolutionary War by the State of Georgia, Alex M. Hitz; Nathaniel Offutt, Washington County, 1832, 220, 13, 3, Cherokee.
  19. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 174. References "Annals of GA."

Sampson Offutt

M, d. January 22, 1822
FatherDr. William Johnson Offutt b. c 1730, d. b 1819
MotherLetitia Harris b. c 1736
Last EditedOctober 13, 2008
     Sampson Offutt was born.1 He was witnessed a deed between Nathaniel Offutt of Richmond County, GA to William Wilkins, 150 acres adj Brier Creek and David Robertson's land. on September 7, 1789.2 He married Nancy (?)3 On Aug. 27, 1791 he applied for administration on the estate of John Gordon in Columbia County, GA; applied for administration on the estate of John Gordon.4 A "Samuel" Offutt, Administrator of estate of John Gordon, applies for leave to sell on January 23, 1796 at Columbia County, GA, USA.5 Samson Offutt, Administrator asks to sell 100 acres near Magruder's Mill, acreage from estate of John Gordon, deceased on September 1, 1797 at Columbia County, GA, USA; asks to sell 100 acres near Magruder's Mill, acreage from estate of John Gordon, deceased.6 Sampson Offutt appeared on the census of 1810 at Wilcox County, AL, USA.7 He was found on September 29, 1815 in the property records at Washington County, GA, USA, for a land grant.8 Sampson Offute was named as a Grand Juror for the April 1816 term of the Superior Court in Washington County, GA; Sampson Offute named as a Grand Juror for the April 1816 term of the Superior Court.9 He was found on September 22, 1819 in the property records at Washington County, GA, USA, for a land grant.10 He appeared on the census of 1820 at Washington County, GA, USA.11,12,13 He died on January 22, 1822 at Wilcox County, AL, USA.3


Nancy (?)


  1. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 246-A.
  2. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 246-A. Supposed to be documented in Book IG-136-137.
  3. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 246-A.
  4. [S591] Folks Huxford, Gen. Material in GA Papers, Pg. 172, 261.
  5. [S591] Folks Huxford, Gen. Material in GA Papers, Pg. 274.
  6. [S591] Folks Huxford, Gen. Material in GA Papers, Pg. 246.
  7. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 246-A. Shows Sampson Offutt, 1 male over 21, 3 males under 21, 1 female over 21, 1 female under 21; 6 slaves.
  8. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 246-A. SAMPSON OFFUTT Granted by State of Georgia 135 acres of land in Washington County.
  9. [S591] Folks Huxford, Gen. Material in GA Papers, Pg. 231.
  10. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 246-A. SAMPSON OFFUTT Granted by State of Georgia 234 acres of land in Washington County, Georgia. In Capt. Wood's District (90th).
  11. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 246-A. Nelle indicated that the second male may have been Sampson's father. 1820 Federal Census of Washington County, Georgia, Page 142, Index Page 111 shows SAMPSON OFFUTT; 2 Males over 45; 1 Female 10 to 16 (Possibly Susanna Offutt); 1 Female over 45.
  12. [S351] Marie De Lomar and Elizabeth Rolthstein, Rcds. of Washington Cty., GA, Pg. 50. List of Heads of Household from the 1820 Federal Census Microfilm #33 Roll 9; p. 156 has Offutt, Sampson.
  13. [S483] GenWeb LA, online, 1820 Census of Washington County, GA. Pg. 141B, line 22. Lists Sampson Offutt. Shows also that there were 2 white males 45 and up, 1 white female 10-16, 1 white female 45 and up, as well as 1 male slave to 14, 1 male slave 14-26, 1 male slave 45 and up, 1 female slave 14-26, 1 female slave 26 to 45.

Eleanor Beall

F, b. 1750, d. circa 1812
FatherNinian Beall II b. 1724, d. 1790
MotherMary (?) b. b 1725, d. 1778
ReferenceN.O.C. Vol 1
Last EditedSeptember 28, 2023
     Eleanor Beall was born in 1750.1,2 She married Zachariah Offutt, son of John Offutt and Esther (?), circa 1774.3,2 As of circa 1774,her married name was Offutt.2 Eleanor Beall left a will on November 2, 1811 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.4,5 She died circa 1812.1,2 Her estate was probated on June 27, 1812 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.2,6


Zachariah Offutt b. 1732, d. b 4 Jul 1807


  1. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 136.
  2. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  3. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 51. Lineage of Mrs. Mrs. Elma C. Warner (Hilda Lee Offutt). Same date also found on pg. 136.
  4. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 148. Montgomery County, MD; Liber H, Folio 21: Eleanor Offutt, widow of Zachariah - 2 Nov 1811 - 27 Jun 1812. One eighth of estate after funeral charges & debts are paid to be retained by the executor for the use of son, Alexander Offutt, to be put out at interest, the interest arising from it to be applied to his use as shall be most advantageous to him each year. If son Alexander becomes unable to labor for his support, then my executor shall appropriate any part of the whole of my money remaining in his hands for the support of son Alexander Offutt. At his death, executor shall divide the remaining money equally between my seven other children or their heirs. Remaining seven eighths of estate to sons and daughters: Andrew Offutt, Basil Offutt, Aaron Offutt, Charles Offutt, Rachel Clagett, Mary Clingan, Eleanor Offutt. Executor: Basil Offutt.
  5. [S261] James C. Sween, Janet D. Manuel Mary Gordon Malloy, Wills, Montgomery Cty., MD 1776-1825, Pg. 101. Liber H, folio 21.
  6. [S261] James C. Sween, Janet D. Manuel Mary Gordon Malloy, Wills, Montgomery Cty., MD 1776-1825, Pg. 101. Liber 2, page 324.
  7. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.

Andrew Offutt

M, b. 1775, d. January, 1837
FatherZachariah Offutt1 b. 1732, d. b 4 Jul 1807
MotherEleanor Beall1 b. 1750, d. c 1812
Last EditedJune 3, 2017
     Andrew Offutt was born in 1775 at Frederick County, MD, USA.2,3 He was Justice of the Peace between 1795 and 1804.4 He married Elizabeth Warfield, daughter of Joseph Warfield and Elizabeth Ann Dorsey, on April 19, 1802 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.5,6,7 Andrew Offutt married Elizabeth Warfield, daughter of Joseph Warfield and Elizabeth Ann Dorsey, on April 20, 1802 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.8,9,10,6,11 Andrew Offutt was a member of the military circa 1812, serving with.12 He and Elizabeth Offutt appeared on the Federal Census of August 7, 1820 at Election District 3, Montgomery County, MD, USA.13 Andrew Offutt died in January, 1837 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.14,15 He died in January, 1838.16,15 He was buried at Offutt Cemetery/Windridge Farm, Darnestown, Montgomery County, MD, USA.17,18 Elizabeth Offutt was appointed as an adminstrator for the estate of Andrew Offutt on February 13, 1838 at Orphans Court, Montgomery County, MD, USA.19 His estate was probated on February 20, 1838 at Orphans Court, Montgomery County, MD, USA.20


Elizabeth Warfield b. 14 Jun 1782, d. 12 Jul 1863


  1. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  2. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  3. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 212. Provided date and county/state.
  4. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 215.
  5. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 212. Provided full date and location. Marriage performed by Rev. Thomas Read.
  6. [S272] The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Vol 110, Lineage of Mrs. Mary Offutt Jones, DAR ID Number 109912. Provides year only.
  7. [S536] Janet Thompson Manuel, Marr. Licenses Montgomery Cty. MD, 1798-1898, Pg. 236.
  8. [S49] Gauis Marcus Brumbaugh, MD Records Colonial, Rev., Cty., etc, Pp. 560-562. Records of Marriages and Funerals - Rev. Thomas Read 1796-1808, Prince George Parish also called Rock Creek Parish (Montgomery County).
  9. [S219] Marriage Records, AAI CD #4; Marr. Rcds MD, NC, VA, Has this date.
  10. [S226] Letter, Helen Parlett Horsey to David W. Offutt, Has this date.
  11. [S102] Robert Barnes, MD Marriages 1801-1820, Pg. 138. Source was Montgomery County, Prince Georges Parish; Marriages 1801-1809. Transcript by L. H. Harrison at the MHS.
  12. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 215. Said to have served in War of 1812.
  13. [S5079] August 7, 1820 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule, Lists Andrew Offutt with 1 male under 10, 1 male 45 and up, 3 females under 10, 1 female 10 - 16, 1 female 16 - 26, and 1 female 26 - 45.
  14. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 212. Provided month/year and county/state. On page 215 in the same volume is a possible transcription of the headstone; " To the memory of Andrew Offutt who died January 1837 in the 63rd year of his life."
  15. [S498] Patricia Abelard Anderson, "Montgomery Cty. Hist. Society Report", Cemetery card for Andrew Offutt. States died Jan, remainder not readable, under that is handwritten note that photograph of headstone shows January 18--, in his 63rd year. States that burial was in a Family Cemetery on the Thompson Butz farm, Darnestown, MD.
  16. [S226] Letter, Helen Parlett Horsey to David W. Offutt, Provided year.
  17. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 215-A. Buried in a small plot on the home place formerly known as Pertersburgh, now called Windridge Farm.
  18. [S498] Patricia Abelard Anderson, "Montgomery Cty. Hist. Society Report", Cemetery card for Andrew Offutt. States died Jan, remainder not readable, under that is handwritten note that photograph of headstone shows January 18--, in his 63rd year. States that burial was in a Family Cemetery on the Thompson Butz farm, Darnestown, MD.
  19. [S5060] Montgomery Cty., MD Orphans Court Rcds 1835 - 1840 Pp. 106 - 107, Pg. 106 states: "Ordered by the court that Eliza Offutt and Alexander B(r?)oome Adminstrators of Andrew Offutt late of Montgomery County deceased give the notice required by law to the creditors of the deceased to ? their claims properly ? ? against the estate of the said deceased and that the notice be given once a week for four weeks in a Newspaper Published in Rockville Maryland.
  20. [S5060] Montgomery Cty., MD Orphans Court Rcds 1835 - 1840 Pp. 106 - 107, Pg. 107 has an application submitted by Administrator Alexander B(r?)oome to sell the whole of the personal property of the estate of Andrew Offutt. Granted permission to sell it appears after publishing notice in Rockville Maryland papers for 20 days, with some propery being sold for cash and other property being sold on credit for 6 months.
  21. [S1103] Find A Grave, online, Has a picture of the headstone for Zachariah Offutt. Lists parents.
  22. [S4187] Doddridge Cty., WV Marr. Reg.: Marraige Register entry line 75. Zachariah Offutt the son of Andrew and Elizabeth Warfield Offutt.

Eleanor Offutt

F, b. circa 1777, d. before 1835
FatherZachariah Offutt1 b. 1732, d. b 4 Jul 1807
MotherEleanor Beall1 b. 1750, d. c 1812
Last EditedJuly 11, 2006
     Eleanor Offutt was born circa 1777.2 She was mentioned in the will of Eleanor Beall on November 2, 1811 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.3,4 Eleanor Offutt died before 1835.2


  1. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  2. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  3. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 148. Montgomery County, MD; Liber H, Folio 21: Eleanor Offutt, widow of Zachariah - 2 Nov 1811 - 27 Jun 1812. One eighth of estate after funeral charges & debts are paid to be retained by the executor for the use of son, Alexander Offutt, to be put out at interest, the interest arising from it to be applied to his use as shall be most advantageous to him each year. If son Alexander becomes unable to labor for his support, then my executor shall appropriate any part of the whole of my money remaining in his hands for the support of son Alexander Offutt. At his death, executor shall divide the remaining money equally between my seven other children or their heirs. Remaining seven eighths of estate to sons and daughters: Andrew Offutt, Basil Offutt, Aaron Offutt, Charles Offutt, Rachel Clagett, Mary Clingan, Eleanor Offutt. Executor: Basil Offutt.
  4. [S261] James C. Sween, Janet D. Manuel Mary Gordon Malloy, Wills, Montgomery Cty., MD 1776-1825, Pg. 101. Liber H, folio 21.

Aaron Offutt

M, b. circa 1779, d. October 1, 1842
FatherZachariah Offutt1 b. 1732, d. b 4 Jul 1807
MotherEleanor Beall2 b. 1750, d. c 1812
Last EditedJune 3, 2017
     Aaron Offutt was born circa 1779 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.3 He was mentioned in the will of Eleanor Beall on November 2, 1811 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.4,5 Aaron Offutt married Anna Robertson on December 24, 1812 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.6,7 Aaron Offutt and Anna Offutt appeared on the Federal Census of August 7, 1820 at Election District 3, Montgomery County, MD, USA.8 Aaron Offutt died on October 1, 1842 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.2,9,10 He was mentioned in an article about his estate in The Sun, printed on December 17, 1842 at MD, USA.11 He's estate sale is advertised in the Daily National Intelligencer, printed on January 6, 1848 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.12


  1. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  2. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  3. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 219.
  4. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 148. Montgomery County, MD; Liber H, Folio 21: Eleanor Offutt, widow of Zachariah - 2 Nov 1811 - 27 Jun 1812. One eighth of estate after funeral charges & debts are paid to be retained by the executor for the use of son, Alexander Offutt, to be put out at interest, the interest arising from it to be applied to his use as shall be most advantageous to him each year. If son Alexander becomes unable to labor for his support, then my executor shall appropriate any part of the whole of my money remaining in his hands for the support of son Alexander Offutt. At his death, executor shall divide the remaining money equally between my seven other children or their heirs. Remaining seven eighths of estate to sons and daughters: Andrew Offutt, Basil Offutt, Aaron Offutt, Charles Offutt, Rachel Clagett, Mary Clingan, Eleanor Offutt. Executor: Basil Offutt.
  5. [S261] James C. Sween, Janet D. Manuel Mary Gordon Malloy, Wills, Montgomery Cty., MD 1776-1825, Pg. 101. Liber H, folio 21.
  6. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 219. Referenced Montgomery County, MD Marriage Records.
  7. [S536] Janet Thompson Manuel, Marr. Licenses Montgomery Cty. MD, 1798-1898, Pg. 236.
  8. [S5080] August 7, 1820 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule, Lists Aaron Offutt, 1 male 26 - 45 and 1 female 26 - 45.
  9. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 219. Provided full date, with "or a day or two prior to this".
  10. [S226] Letter, Helen Parlett Horsey to David W. Offutt, Had the date as 1849. Removed that date based on other information and notice of estate sale printed December 17, 1842.
  11. [S4824] The Sun, December 17, 1842, Pg. 4, Article dated December 17, 1842, mentions that the Court of Appeals, Case No. 121(I'm guessing that is what the No. 121 is for) regarding an appeal by Charles Offutt and Henry Clagett vs William Gotz of a decree from the Orphan's Court of Montgomery County.
  12. [S4825] Daily National Intelligencer, January 6, 1848, Pg. 3, Article dated January 6, 1848 advertises the sale of the estate of Aaron Offutt, which included at least 6 property lots totaling approximately 1000 acres.

Rachel Offutt

F, b. circa 1781, d. circa 1830
FatherZachariah Offutt1 b. 1732, d. b 4 Jul 1807
MotherEleanor Beall2 b. 1750, d. c 1812
Last EditedJuly 11, 2006
     Rachel Offutt was born circa 1781 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.3,4 As of January 12, 1802,her married name was Clagett.5,6,7 She married Thomas Clagett on January 12, 1802 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.5,8,6 Rachel Offutt married Thomas Clagett on January 12, 1803 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.9 Rachel Offutt was mentioned in the will of Eleanor Beall on November 2, 1811 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.10,11 Rachel Offutt died circa 1830 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.12


  1. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  2. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  3. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. . Birth date approximated by Mrs. Eleanor Offutt Blank.
  4. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 220. Had same date and place.
  5. [S49] Gauis Marcus Brumbaugh, MD Records Colonial, Rev., Cty., etc, Pp. 560-562. Records of Marriages and Funerals - Rev. Thomas Read 1796-1808, Prince George Parish also called Rock Creek Parish (Montgomery County).
  6. [S219] Marriage Records, AAI CD #4; Marr. Rcds MD, NC, VA, Provides full date and county/state.
  7. [S102] Robert Barnes, MD Marriages 1801-1820.
  8. [S102] Robert Barnes, MD Marriages 1801-1820, Pg. 32. Source was Montgomery County, Prince Georges Parish; Marriages 1801-1809. Transcript by L. H. Harrison at the MHS.
  9. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 220. References "Chronicles of Maryland" by Thomas. Performed by Rev. Thomas Read. Pr. George Parish, commonly known as Rock Creek Parish.
  10. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 148. Montgomery County, MD; Liber H, Folio 21: Eleanor Offutt, widow of Zachariah - 2 Nov 1811 - 27 Jun 1812. One eighth of estate after funeral charges & debts are paid to be retained by the executor for the use of son, Alexander Offutt, to be put out at interest, the interest arising from it to be applied to his use as shall be most advantageous to him each year. If son Alexander becomes unable to labor for his support, then my executor shall appropriate any part of the whole of my money remaining in his hands for the support of son Alexander Offutt. At his death, executor shall divide the remaining money equally between my seven other children or their heirs. Remaining seven eighths of estate to sons and daughters: Andrew Offutt, Basil Offutt, Aaron Offutt, Charles Offutt, Rachel Clagett, Mary Clingan, Eleanor Offutt. Executor: Basil Offutt.
  11. [S261] James C. Sween, Janet D. Manuel Mary Gordon Malloy, Wills, Montgomery Cty., MD 1776-1825, Pg. 101. Liber H, folio 21.
  12. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 220. States date approximated by Mrs. Eleanor Offutt Blank.

Basil Offutt

M, b. 1783, d. before 1822
FatherZachariah Offutt1 b. 1732, d. b 4 Jul 1807
MotherEleanor Beall1 b. 1750, d. c 1812
Last EditedJune 3, 2017
     Basil Offutt was born in 1783 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.2,3 He married Eleanor Hawkins Clagett, daughter of Joseph Clagett and Elizabeth Susan Hawkins, on November 13, 1805 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.4,5 Basil Offutt was mentioned in the will of Eleanor Beall on November 2, 1811 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.6,7 Basil Offutt and Eleanor Hawkins Offutt appeared on the Federal Census of August 7, 1820 at Election District 3, Montgomery County, MD, USA.8 Basil Offutt died before 1822 at Mexico, Audrain County, MO, USA.9,10


Eleanor Hawkins Clagett b. 8 Oct 1786, d. 7 Dec 1857


  1. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  2. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145. Referenced the Bible Record of James Offutt 1843-1925, son of Joseph Claggett Offutt and grandson of Basil Offutt.
  3. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 221. Provided full date.
  4. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 221. Referenced Montgomery County, MD Marriage Records.
  5. [S536] Janet Thompson Manuel, Marr. Licenses Montgomery Cty. MD, 1798-1898, Pg. 236.
  6. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 148. Montgomery County, MD; Liber H, Folio 21: Eleanor Offutt, widow of Zachariah - 2 Nov 1811 - 27 Jun 1812. One eighth of estate after funeral charges & debts are paid to be retained by the executor for the use of son, Alexander Offutt, to be put out at interest, the interest arising from it to be applied to his use as shall be most advantageous to him each year. If son Alexander becomes unable to labor for his support, then my executor shall appropriate any part of the whole of my money remaining in his hands for the support of son Alexander Offutt. At his death, executor shall divide the remaining money equally between my seven other children or their heirs. Remaining seven eighths of estate to sons and daughters: Andrew Offutt, Basil Offutt, Aaron Offutt, Charles Offutt, Rachel Clagett, Mary Clingan, Eleanor Offutt. Executor: Basil Offutt.
  7. [S261] James C. Sween, Janet D. Manuel Mary Gordon Malloy, Wills, Montgomery Cty., MD 1776-1825, Pg. 101. Liber H, folio 21.
  8. [S5081] August 7, 1820 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule, Lists Basil Offutt with 2 males under 10, 1 male 10 - 16, 1 male 26 - 45, and 1 female 26 - 45.
  9. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145. Provided date.
  10. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 221. Provided same date and place. References legal papers at Hall of Records, Annapolis, MD.
  11. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 221.
  12. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 221.

Mary Offutt

F, b. circa 1785, d. before 1835
FatherZachariah Offutt1 b. 1732, d. b 4 Jul 1807
MotherEleanor Beall2 b. 1750, d. c 1812
Last EditedFebruary 23, 2015
     Mary Offutt was born circa 1785 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.3,4 As of March 6, 1810,her married name was Clingan.5,6 She married James Clingan on March 6, 1810 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.7,6 Mary Offutt was mentioned in the will of Eleanor Beall on November 2, 1811 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.8,9 Mary Offutt died before 1835.10 She and James Clingan 1 child on February 21, 2000.10


  1. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  2. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  3. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145. States date approximated by Mrs. Eleanor Offutt Blank.
  4. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 223. Adds place.
  5. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 223. Referenced Montgomery County, MD Marriage Records.
  6. [S536] Janet Thompson Manuel, Marr. Licenses Montgomery Cty. MD, 1798-1898, Pg. 237.
  7. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 223. Referenced Montgomery County, MD Marriage Records.
  8. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 148. Montgomery County, MD; Liber H, Folio 21: Eleanor Offutt, widow of Zachariah - 2 Nov 1811 - 27 Jun 1812. One eighth of estate after funeral charges & debts are paid to be retained by the executor for the use of son, Alexander Offutt, to be put out at interest, the interest arising from it to be applied to his use as shall be most advantageous to him each year. If son Alexander becomes unable to labor for his support, then my executor shall appropriate any part of the whole of my money remaining in his hands for the support of son Alexander Offutt. At his death, executor shall divide the remaining money equally between my seven other children or their heirs. Remaining seven eighths of estate to sons and daughters: Andrew Offutt, Basil Offutt, Aaron Offutt, Charles Offutt, Rachel Clagett, Mary Clingan, Eleanor Offutt. Executor: Basil Offutt.
  9. [S261] James C. Sween, Janet D. Manuel Mary Gordon Malloy, Wills, Montgomery Cty., MD 1776-1825, Pg. 101. Liber H, folio 21.
  10. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 223.

Charles Offutt1

M, b. June 22, 1789, d. December 28, 1854
FatherZachariah Offutt2 b. 1732, d. b 4 Jul 1807
MotherEleanor Beall3 b. 1750, d. c 1812
Last EditedJune 30, 2015
     Charles Offutt was born on June 22, 1789 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.3,4 He and Mary Ann Juliet Taney obtained a marriage license on September 4, 1811 at Frederick County, MD, USA.5 Charles Offutt married Mary Ann Juliet Taney on September 4, 1811 at Frederick County, MD, USA.6,7 Charles Offutt married Mary Ann Juliet Taney on September 8, 1811 at Frederick County, MD, USA.8 Charles Offutt was mentioned in the will of Eleanor Beall on November 2, 1811 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.9,10 Charles Offutt died on December 28, 1854 at Montgomery County, MD, USA, at age 65.4,3 He was buried after December 28, 1854 at St. Anthony's Catholic Church Cemetery, Emmitsburg, Frederick County, MD, USA.11


Mary Ann Juliet Taney b. 16 Mar 1787, d. 30 Aug 1863


  1. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 224. There is no documentary evidence that this Charles is the same Charles who was a son of Zachariah, but it seems very probable.
  2. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  3. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  4. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 224. Adds full date and county/state.
  5. [S257] Margaret E. Myers, Marr. Licenses of Frederick Cty. 1811-1840, Pg. 182. Offutt, Charles to Taney, Mary Ann Juliet.
  6. [S257] Margaret E. Myers, Marr. Licenses of Frederick Cty. 1811-1840, Pg. 182. Offutt, Charles to Taney, Mary Ann Juliet.
  7. [S350] Ancestry Inc., online, Frederick Co., Maryland Marriages, 1778-1850. Dodd, Jordan; Maryland Marriages to 1850. Orem, UT:Liahona Research, 2000. Taken from: Frederick County, Maryland Marriages, 1778-1850 County Court Records located at Frederick , Maryland or Family History Library Microfilm #0014082. Lists Charles Offutt, spouses name Mary Ann Juliet Taney, Marriage date 04 Sep 1811 in Frederick County, Maryland.
  8. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 224. Provided full date and county/state.
  9. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 148. Montgomery County, MD; Liber H, Folio 21: Eleanor Offutt, widow of Zachariah - 2 Nov 1811 - 27 Jun 1812. One eighth of estate after funeral charges & debts are paid to be retained by the executor for the use of son, Alexander Offutt, to be put out at interest, the interest arising from it to be applied to his use as shall be most advantageous to him each year. If son Alexander becomes unable to labor for his support, then my executor shall appropriate any part of the whole of my money remaining in his hands for the support of son Alexander Offutt. At his death, executor shall divide the remaining money equally between my seven other children or their heirs. Remaining seven eighths of estate to sons and daughters: Andrew Offutt, Basil Offutt, Aaron Offutt, Charles Offutt, Rachel Clagett, Mary Clingan, Eleanor Offutt. Executor: Basil Offutt.
  10. [S261] James C. Sween, Janet D. Manuel Mary Gordon Malloy, Wills, Montgomery Cty., MD 1776-1825, Pg. 101. Liber H, folio 21.
  11. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 224.
  12. [S4491] Richard A. Offutt, Death Cert. PA, Lists the deceased as Richard A. Offutt. Father's name Charles Offutt. Mother's maiden name Taney.

Alexander Offutt

M, d. after November 2, 1811
FatherZachariah Offutt1 b. 1732, d. b 4 Jul 1807
MotherEleanor Beall2 b. 1750, d. c 1812
Last EditedSeptember 28, 2023
     Alexander Offutt was born. He was mentioned in the will of Eleanor Beall on November 2, 1811 at Montgomery County, MD, USA.3,4 Alexander Offutt died after November 2, 1811.


  1. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  2. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 145.
  3. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 148. Montgomery County, MD; Liber H, Folio 21: Eleanor Offutt, widow of Zachariah - 2 Nov 1811 - 27 Jun 1812. One eighth of estate after funeral charges & debts are paid to be retained by the executor for the use of son, Alexander Offutt, to be put out at interest, the interest arising from it to be applied to his use as shall be most advantageous to him each year. If son Alexander becomes unable to labor for his support, then my executor shall appropriate any part of the whole of my money remaining in his hands for the support of son Alexander Offutt. At his death, executor shall divide the remaining money equally between my seven other children or their heirs. Remaining seven eighths of estate to sons and daughters: Andrew Offutt, Basil Offutt, Aaron Offutt, Charles Offutt, Rachel Clagett, Mary Clingan, Eleanor Offutt. Executor: Basil Offutt.
  4. [S261] James C. Sween, Janet D. Manuel Mary Gordon Malloy, Wills, Montgomery Cty., MD 1776-1825, Pg. 101. Liber H, folio 21.

David Low Jr.

FatherDavid Low Sr.
ReferenceN.O.C. Vol 2
Last EditedJuly 16, 2006
     David Low Jr. was born. He married Mary C. Offutt, daughter of John Offutt and Esther (?), on December 5, 1751 at MD, USA.1,2,3


Mary C. Offutt b. 18 Apr 1732


  1. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 136. Referenced the Bible Record of Roy E. Gibson.
  2. [S16] "David & Mary Low Family Bible Transcript", Pg. 200.
  3. [S43] "David & Mary Low Family Bible Transcript", Pg. 75.

Elizabeth Low

F, b. December 9, 1752
FatherDavid Low Jr.
MotherMary C. Offutt b. 18 Apr 1732
ReferenceN.O.C. Vol 2
Last EditedFebruary 23, 2015
     Elizabeth Low was born on December 9, 1752 at MD, USA.1,2


  1. [S16] "David & Mary Low Family Bible Transcript", Pg. 200. Date mutilated in Bible, year could be 1758.
  2. [S43] "David & Mary Low Family Bible Transcript", Pg. 75.

Mary Low

F, b. October 16, 1759, d. March 19, 1836
FatherDavid Low Jr.
MotherMary C. Offutt b. 18 Apr 1732
ReferenceN.O.C. Vol 2
Last EditedFebruary 23, 2015
     Mary Low was born on October 16, 1759 at MD, USA.1,2,3 She was born in 1773.4,5 As of circa 1783,her married name was Holland.6 She married Rezin Holland circa 1783.7 Mary Low immigrated before 1790 to Spartansburg, SC, USA.8 She immigrated in 1825 to Hillsboro, Lawrence County, AL, USA.8 She died on March 19, 1836 at Hillsboro, Lawrence County, AL, USA, at age 76.9


  1. [S16] "David & Mary Low Family Bible Transcript", Pg. 200.
  2. [S43] "David & Mary Low Family Bible Transcript", Pg. 75.
  3. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 162.
  4. [S16] "David & Mary Low Family Bible Transcript", Page 200.
  5. [S43] "David & Mary Low Family Bible Transcript", Page 75.
  6. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 230.
  7. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 230. According to Family Bible Record.
  8. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 230.
  9. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 162. References Bible Records held by Roy E. Gibson.

David Low III

M, b. 20, 1773
FatherDavid Low Jr.
MotherMary C. Offutt b. 18 Apr 1732
ReferenceN.O.C. Vol 2
Last EditedFebruary 23, 2015
     David Low III was born on 20, 1773.1,2,3 He Baltimore Cty, MD records show a David Low marrying a Margaret Demmitt. Not known if this is a match. on January 14, 1796 at Baltimore County, MD, USA.4


  1. [S16] "David & Mary Low Family Bible Transcript", Pg. 200.
  2. [S43] "David & Mary Low Family Bible Transcript", Pg. 75.
  3. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 231. Has Monday, 20 --- 1773, from mutilated Bible Records held by Roy E. Gibson.
  4. [S3] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book III, Pg. 231.

William Offutt

M, b. 1670, d. 1734
Last EditedMay 7, 2024
     William Offutt was also known as William Nelson Offutt. He was born in 1670 at London, England.1 He was born before 1673 at Scotland.2,3 He immigrated circa 1690 to Calvert County, MD, USA.4 He was a Farmer. He was found on September 12, 1694 in the property records at Calvert County, MD, USA, for a tract named Offett's Delight.5 He married Mary Brock, daughter of Edward Brock, before 1697 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.3 William Offutt was found on June 19, 1711 in the property records at The Outlett Tract, Prince George's County, MD, USA.6 He was appointed as Executor for the will of Edward Brock on March 5, 1712 at Prince George's County, MD, USA, in which William Offutt was named as "my son-in-law", though William later requested to be removed from the appointment.7,8 He was found on August 21, 1717 in the property records at Younger Brother Tract, Montgomery County, MD, for a tract named Younger Brother.9,10 He Sr. and William Offutt Jr. (his son) conveyed the property tract named at William & James to James Offutt listed as the son of William Sr and the brother of William Jr and his wife Rachel Offutt on July 13, 1725.11 William Offutt was found on July 17, 1728 in the property records at Clewerwall Enlarged Tract, Montgomery County, MD, for a tract named Clewerwall Enlarged.12,13 He was found on November 10, 1730 in the property records at Bear Den Tract, Montgomery County, MD, for a tract called Bear Den.14,15 He wrote a will on November 10, 1732 at Lower Marlboro, Prince George's County, MD, USA.16,3,17,18 He died in 1734 at Lower Marlboro, Prince George's County, MD, USA.19,20 His estate was probated on June 10, 1734 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.3,21


Mary Brock b. 1676, d. 1748


  1. [S36] Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, "Ancestral File Records", Ancestral File, File Number 472G-23.
  2. [S232] Harry W. Newman, Lucketts of Portobacco, Pg. 81.
  3. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 73.
  4. [S17] Unknown editor, First Families of America, Pg. 59. Found under the lineage of Annie Dudley Bedford Bird. States settled here.
  5. [S6386] Peter Wilson Coldham, Settlers of MD 1679-1783, Pg. 493. Lists William Offett, property in Calvert County, 101 acres, tract named Offett's Delight, dated September 12, 1694. Reference listed as 27/195. I'm assuming based on the Introduction Page V that this reference refers to Liber 27.
  6. [S214] Elise Greenup Jourdan, Land Records Prince Georges Cty., MD 1710 -1 1717, Pg. 31. Folio 310. Indenture. From Charles Carroll of Anne Arundel County, Gentleman to Wm. Offutt, planter of Prince Georges County for 9£ a 36 acre part of the land called "The Outlett; bounded by "Neighborhood". Signed by Char. Carroll. Witnessed: Phil Lloyd, Nick Jacob.
  7. [S7094] Prince George Cty. MD Will: Will of Edward Brock.
  8. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 84.
  9. [S1051] T. H. S. Boyd, Hist. of Montgomery Cty. MD, 1650 - 1879, Pg. 44. A tract of land surveyed for William Offutt containing 600 acres.
  10. [S6386] Peter Wilson Coldham, Settlers of MD 1679-1783, Pg. 493. Lists William Offett Sr., property in Prince Georges County, 600 acres, tract named Younger Brother, dated August 6, 1719. Reference listed as FF7/236 PL4/423. I'm assuming based on the Introduction Page VIII that this reference refers to Certificates 1716 - 1722 and Land Patents dated 1715 - 1721.
  11. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 106. States that William Offutt Sr. and William Offutt Jr convey tract of land named William & James to William Sr's son and William Jr's brother James and his wife Rachel for life and then to the heirs of the said James "born of the body of Rachel". Found in Liber L, page 692 Prince Georges County Maryland.
  12. [S1051] T. H. S. Boyd, Hist. of Montgomery Cty. MD, 1650 - 1879, Pg. 44. A tract of land surveyed for William Offutt containing 2000 acres, embraces the farms of the late Philip Stone, George Bradley, Joshua W. Offutt and others.
  13. [S6386] Peter Wilson Coldham, Settlers of MD 1679-1783, Pg. 493. Lists William Offett Sr., property in Prince Georges County, 2000 acres, tract named Clewerwall Enlarged dated July 17, 1728. Reference listed as PL7/149 ILB/133. I'm assuming based on the Introduction Page VIII that this reference refers to Land Patents dated 1727 - 1730 and Certificates 1723 - 1731.
  14. [S1051] T. H. S. Boyd, Hist. of Montgomery Cty. MD, 1650 - 1879, Pg. 44. A tract of land surveyed for William Offutt containing 200 acres. Originally I had this dated April 4, 1729 based on this reference. I've removed that date based on the Settlers of Maryland, page 493.
  15. [S6386] Peter Wilson Coldham, Settlers of MD 1679-1783, Pg. 493. Lists William Offett Sr., property in Prince Georges County, 200 acres, tract named Bear Den dated November 10, 1730. Reference listed as PL8/67 AM1/318. I'm assuming based on the Introduction Page VIII that this reference refers to Land Patents dated 1730 - 1734 and Certificates 1726 - 1735.
  16. [S350] Ancestry Inc., online, Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume I thru VIII. Published by Jane Baldwin Cotton in Baltimore, MD in 1908. Volume 7, page 85 mentions the will of William Offutt, planter, of Prince Georges County.
  17. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 78-80. Referenced a photocopy sent to Nelle Offutt Chesley by Edward P. Offutt. Page 80 lists the Maryland Department of General Services #773498; Hall of Records; P.O. Box 828; Annapolis, MD 21404.
  18. [S2979] MD Wills, Vol. 21, Libers T & D: Will dated November 10, 1732. Will Book Volume 21 lists that one of the subscribing witnesses swore on oath June 10, 1734 that the will entered was in fact the will of William Offutt. There were 16 different bequests listed in the will.
  19. [S17] Unknown editor, First Families of America, Pg. 59. Found under the lineage of Annie Dudley Bedford Bird.
  20. [S120] Thomas Offutt, "Research by Thomas Offutt", Had the same year.
  21. [S2979] MD Wills, Vol. 21, Libers T & D: Will dated November 10, 1732. Will Book Volume 21 lists that one of the subscribing witnesses swore on oath Jun e10, 1734 that the will entered was in fact the will of William Offutt. There were 16 different bequests listed in the will.
  22. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 167. Date from the Family Bible, at the time the bible was in the posession of Edward Tiburtius Offutt.
  23. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 227.

Mary Brock

F, b. 1676, d. 1748
FatherEdward Brock1 b. bt 1640 - 1650, d. 1714
ReferenceN.O.C. Vol 1
Last EditedJune 4, 2017
     Mary Brock was born in 1676.2,3 She married William Offutt before 1697 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.1 As of before 1697,her married name was Offutt.1 Mary Brock was mentioned in the will of Edward Brock on March 5, 1712 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.4,5 Mary Brock was mentioned in the will of William Offutt on November 10, 1732 at Lower Marlboro, Prince George's County, MD, USA.6,1,7,8 Mary Brock left a will on March 9, 1747 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.9,10 She died in 1748 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.11 Her estate was probated on December 13, 1749 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.12


William Offutt b. 1670, d. 1734


  1. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 73.
  2. [S36] Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, "Ancestral File Records", Ancestral File, Number 472G-38. Gives year of birth.
  3. [S120] Thomas Offutt, "Research by Thomas Offutt", Information states that the birthplace was "Brocke Hall" on the left bank of the Pautexet River.
  4. [S7094] Prince George Cty. MD Will: Will of Edward Brock.
  5. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 84.
  6. [S350] Ancestry Inc., online, Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume I thru VIII. Published by Jane Baldwin Cotton in Baltimore, MD in 1908. Volume 7, page 85 mentions the will of William Offutt, planter, of Prince Georges County.
  7. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 78-80. Referenced a photocopy sent to Nelle Offutt Chesley by Edward P. Offutt. Page 80 lists the Maryland Department of General Services #773498; Hall of Records; P.O. Box 828; Annapolis, MD 21404.
  8. [S2979] MD Wills, Vol. 21, Libers T & D: Will dated November 10, 1732. Will Book Volume 21 lists that one of the subscribing witnesses swore on oath June 10, 1734 that the will entered was in fact the will of William Offutt. There were 16 different bequests listed in the will.
  9. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 81. Photocopy of the original will sent by Edward P. Offutt to Nelle Offutt Chesley. A transcript is presented in Volume 1. The will is listed as #774654 at the State of Maryland, Department of General Services; P.O. Box 828; Hall of Records; Annapolis, MD 21404. Also mentions Box 7, Folder 33 of Prince George's County Wills - 1748 - Hall of Records.
  10. [S5083] Prince George's Cty., MD Prerogative Court Vol. 25: Found on pages 388 - 389.
  11. [S17] Unknown editor, First Families of America, Pg. 59. Found under the lineage of Annie Dudley Bedford Bird.
  12. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 83. Transcript of the accounting of Mary's estate.
  13. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 227.

Edward Offutt

M, b. 1698, d. 1749
FatherWilliam Offutt1 b. 1670, d. 1734
MotherMary Brock1 b. 1676, d. 1748
Last EditedJanuary 31, 2006
     Edward Offutt was born in 1698 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.2 He was mentioned in the will of Edward Brock on March 5, 1712 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.3,4 Edward Offutt was Planter.2 He married Eleanor Edmonston, daughter of Colonel Archibald Edmonston and Jane Beall, circa 1722.5,6 Edward Offutt was mentioned in the will of William Offutt on November 10, 1732 at Lower Marlboro, Prince George's County, MD, USA.7,1,8,9 Edward Offutt was found on November 27, 1746 in the property records at Prince George's County, MD, USA; 1 acre of the tract 'Outlet' deeded to the Presbyterian Church, later known as Cabin John Church.10 He was bequeathed 4 slaves in the will of Mary Brock on March 9, 1747 at Prince George's County, MD, USA; after all provisions were satisfied he was to share in the remainder of the estate with his brother Nathaniel.11,12 Edward Offutt died in 1749 at Frederick County, MD, USA.13,2 He wrote a will on July 26, 1749 at Frederick County, MD, USA.14,15 His estate was probated on November 10, 1749 at Frederick County, MD, USA.16,17


Eleanor Edmonston b. 1707, d. a 1756


  1. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 73.
  2. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 91.
  3. [S7094] Prince George Cty. MD Will: Will of Edward Brock.
  4. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 84.
  5. [S193] George Norbury MacKenzie, Col. Fam. of the U.S. Vol. 2, Pg. 58.
  6. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 91. Date was approximated by Eleanor O. Blank.
  7. [S350] Ancestry Inc., online, Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume I thru VIII. Published by Jane Baldwin Cotton in Baltimore, MD in 1908. Volume 7, page 85 mentions the will of William Offutt, planter, of Prince Georges County.
  8. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 78-80. Referenced a photocopy sent to Nelle Offutt Chesley by Edward P. Offutt. Page 80 lists the Maryland Department of General Services #773498; Hall of Records; P.O. Box 828; Annapolis, MD 21404.
  9. [S2979] MD Wills, Vol. 21, Libers T & D: Will dated November 10, 1732. Will Book Volume 21 lists that one of the subscribing witnesses swore on oath June 10, 1734 that the will entered was in fact the will of William Offutt. There were 16 different bequests listed in the will.
  10. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 94. Referenced pg. 99 of Prince Georges' Heritage by Louise Joyner Hienton, MD 1696-1800. Talks about land grant to the Presbyterian's near Cabin Branch. Later called Cabin John (Captain John) Church.
  11. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 81. Photocopy of the original will sent by Edward P. Offutt to Nelle Offutt Chesley. A transcript is presented in Volume 1. The will is listed as #774654 at the State of Maryland, Department of General Services; P.O. Box 828; Hall of Records; Annapolis, MD 21404. Also mentions Box 7, Folder 33 of Prince George's County Wills - 1748 - Hall of Records.
  12. [S5083] Prince George's Cty., MD Prerogative Court Vol. 25: Found on pages 388 - 389.
  13. [S18] Unknown author, "Frederick Cty. Wills", Pg. 6. Date of death assumed from will dates.
  14. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 92. Abstract provided by Edward P. Offutt from Liber A, #1, pages 25-26 of the Frederick County Court House Wills. Original will in the Hall of Records; Annapolis, MD: Frederick County Wills Box 1 Folder 18.
  15. [S18] Unknown author, "Frederick Cty. Wills", Pg. 6. Lists children as follows, William, Nathaniel, Ruth, Mary, Archibald, Jane.
  16. [S18] Unknown author, "Frederick Cty. Wills", Pg. 7.
  17. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 92.

William Offutt II

M, b. circa 1700, d. July, 1737
FatherWilliam Offutt1 b. 1670, d. 1734
MotherMary Brock1 b. 1676, d. 1748
Last EditedJanuary 31, 2006
     William Offutt II was born circa 1700 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.2 He was mentioned in the will of Edward Brock on March 5, 1712 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.3,4 William Offutt II married Jane Joyce, daughter of John Joyce and Jane (?), circa 1720.5 William Offutt II was mentioned in the will of William Offutt on November 10, 1732 at Lower Marlboro, Prince George's County, MD, USA.6,1,7,8 William Offutt II died in 1736.9 He died in July, 1737 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.10 He was listed as deceased in the will of Mary Brock on March 9, 1747 at Prince George's County, MD, USA; each of his children were to receive 5 Shillings current money.11,12 Birthdates for children were from Bible in possession of E. Felisa Nicodemus, granddaughter of Judge James Offutt. Research conducted by Helen Parlett Horsey states that the dates of birth were from family records. It also lists the same date of birth for Priscilla and Alexander. In addition it fails to list Keziah. Lived on the Clerewell tract of 600 acres, which had been surveyed for his father in 1715.


Jane Joyce b. c 1700


  1. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 73.
  2. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 101.
  3. [S7094] Prince George Cty. MD Will: Will of Edward Brock.
  4. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 84.
  5. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 101. Date approximated.
  6. [S350] Ancestry Inc., online, Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume I thru VIII. Published by Jane Baldwin Cotton in Baltimore, MD in 1908. Volume 7, page 85 mentions the will of William Offutt, planter, of Prince Georges County.
  7. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 78-80. Referenced a photocopy sent to Nelle Offutt Chesley by Edward P. Offutt. Page 80 lists the Maryland Department of General Services #773498; Hall of Records; P.O. Box 828; Annapolis, MD 21404.
  8. [S2979] MD Wills, Vol. 21, Libers T & D: Will dated November 10, 1732. Will Book Volume 21 lists that one of the subscribing witnesses swore on oath June 10, 1734 that the will entered was in fact the will of William Offutt. There were 16 different bequests listed in the will.
  9. [S84] William J. Travaille, "William Travaille Offutt research," e-mail to David W. Offutt.
  10. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 101. States died intestate.
  11. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 81. Photocopy of the original will sent by Edward P. Offutt to Nelle Offutt Chesley. A transcript is presented in Volume 1. The will is listed as #774654 at the State of Maryland, Department of General Services; P.O. Box 828; Hall of Records; Annapolis, MD 21404. Also mentions Box 7, Folder 33 of Prince George's County Wills - 1748 - Hall of Records.
  12. [S5083] Prince George's Cty., MD Prerogative Court Vol. 25: Found on pages 388 - 389.

James Offutt

M, b. 1703, d. 1750
FatherWilliam Offutt1 b. 1670, d. 1734
MotherMary Brock1 b. 1676, d. 1748
Last EditedSeptember 19, 2017
     James Offutt was born in 1703 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.2,3 He was mentioned in the will of Edward Brock on March 5, 1712 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.4,5 James Offutt married Rachel Beall, daughter of Colonel Ninian Beall and Ruth Moore, circa 1722; Date could possibly be 1725.3 James Offutt was found on July 13, 1725 in the property records when William Offutt Sr and William Offutt Jr conveyed the property tract named William & James to James Offutt (listed as the son of William Sr and the brother of William Jr) and his wife Rachel Offutt on July 13, 1725.6 James Offutt was a Planter.7 He was mentioned in the will of William Offutt on November 10, 1732 at Lower Marlboro, Prince George's County, MD, USA.8,1,9,10 James Offutt was a member of the military between 1738 and 1750, serving with at Beall's Troop of Horse, Prince George's County, MD, USA.11 He married Sarah Beall, daughter of John Beall and Verlinda Magruder, circa 1740.3 James Offutt was bequeathed 5 pounds Sterling money in the will of Mary Brock on March 9, 1747 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.12,13 James Offutt left a will on January 4, 1749 at Frederick County, MD, USA.14,15 He died in 1750 at Frederick County, MD, USA.16 His estate was probated on April 4, 1750 at Frederick County, MD, USA.17,3 His estate was probated on June 6, 1754 at Frederick County, MD.18

Family 1

Rachel Beall d. c 1740

Family 2

Sarah Beall b. 1717, d. 1779


  1. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 73.
  2. [S120] Thomas Offutt, "Research by Thomas Offutt", Had year as 1725. Doesn't really make sense based on marriage date as well as children's dates of birth. Deleted date, but kept this as information.
  3. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 105.
  4. [S7094] Prince George Cty. MD Will: Will of Edward Brock.
  5. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 84.
  6. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 106. States that William Offutt Sr. and William Offutt Jr convey tract of land named William & James to William Sr's son and William Jr's brother James and his wife Rachel for life and then to the heirs of the said James "born of the body of Rachel". Found in Liber L, page 692 Prince Georges County Maryland.
  7. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 106.
  8. [S350] Ancestry Inc., online, Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume I thru VIII. Published by Jane Baldwin Cotton in Baltimore, MD in 1908. Volume 7, page 85 mentions the will of William Offutt, planter, of Prince Georges County.
  9. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 78-80. Referenced a photocopy sent to Nelle Offutt Chesley by Edward P. Offutt. Page 80 lists the Maryland Department of General Services #773498; Hall of Records; P.O. Box 828; Annapolis, MD 21404.
  10. [S2979] MD Wills, Vol. 21, Libers T & D: Will dated November 10, 1732. Will Book Volume 21 lists that one of the subscribing witnesses swore on oath June 10, 1734 that the will entered was in fact the will of William Offutt. There were 16 different bequests listed in the will.
  11. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 106. Referenced Maryland History Magazine Volume 6, page 66 as well as MacKenzie Volume 2.
  12. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 81. Photocopy of the original will sent by Edward P. Offutt to Nelle Offutt Chesley. A transcript is presented in Volume 1. The will is listed as #774654 at the State of Maryland, Department of General Services; P.O. Box 828; Hall of Records; Annapolis, MD 21404. Also mentions Box 7, Folder 33 of Prince George's County Wills - 1748 - Hall of Records.
  13. [S5083] Prince George's Cty., MD Prerogative Court Vol. 25: Found on pages 388 - 389.
  14. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 107. An abstract of the will is included on this page.
  15. [S18] Unknown author, "Frederick Cty. Wills", Pg. 8-9. Frederick County Wills, Offutt, James. Lists children as: William, Thomas, Rebeka, Elizabeth, Rachell, Hannah, Mary. Wife's name as Sarah.
  16. [S17] Unknown editor, First Families of America, Pg. 59. Found under the lineage of Annie Dudley Bedford Bird.
  17. [S18] Unknown author, "Frederick Cty. Wills", Pg. 8-9.
  18. [S1058] Frederick Cty. MD Admin. Accts. Book unknown file number (Liber A).
  19. [S2] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley, The Offutt Family, Book II, Pg. 142-D. No proof of the relationship is offered.

Thomas Offutt

M, b. 1704, d. between 1714 and 1722
FatherWilliam Offutt1 b. 1670, d. 1734
MotherMary Brock1 b. 1676, d. 1748
Last EditedJuly 16, 2006
     Thomas Offutt was born in 1704 at Prince George's County, MD, USA. He was born in 1705.2 He was listed in the will of Edward Brock on March 5, 1712 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.3,4 Thomas Offutt died between 1714 and 1722 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.5


  1. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 73.
  2. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 135.
  3. [S7094] Prince George Cty. MD Will: Will of Edward Brock.
  4. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 84.
  5. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 135. It is assumed that Thomas died young as there is a second Thomas named in his father's will as my youngest son "not yet 17" in 1732.

Mary Offutt

F, b. 1708, d. circa 1733
FatherWilliam Offutt1 b. 1670, d. 1734
MotherMary Brock1 b. 1676, d. 1748
Last EditedJuly 16, 2006
     Mary Offutt was born in 1708 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.2 As of 1729,her married name was Bowie.2,3,4 She married John Bowie Jr., son of John Bowie Sr. and Mary Mullikin, in 1729.2,3,4 Mary Offutt was mentioned in the will of William Offutt on November 10, 1732 at Lower Marlboro, Prince George's County, MD, USA.5,1,6,7 Mary Offutt died circa 1733 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.2 She was listed as deceased in the will of Mary Brock on March 9, 1747 at Prince George's County, MD, USA; each of her children were to receive 5 Shillings current money.8,9


John Bowie Jr. b. c 1708, d. 1753


  1. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 73.
  2. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 143.
  3. [S158] Effie G. Bowie, Across the Years in Pr. Georges Cty., MD, Pp. 637-638. Also referenced same marriage and date used as proof will of Mary's father when he made a bequest to daughter Mary, wife of John Bowie Jr.
  4. [S235] Letter, Ray Offutt to David W. Offutt.
  5. [S350] Ancestry Inc., online, Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume I thru VIII. Published by Jane Baldwin Cotton in Baltimore, MD in 1908. Volume 7, page 85 mentions the will of William Offutt, planter, of Prince Georges County.
  6. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 78-80. Referenced a photocopy sent to Nelle Offutt Chesley by Edward P. Offutt. Page 80 lists the Maryland Department of General Services #773498; Hall of Records; P.O. Box 828; Annapolis, MD 21404.
  7. [S2979] MD Wills, Vol. 21, Libers T & D: Will dated November 10, 1732. Will Book Volume 21 lists that one of the subscribing witnesses swore on oath June 10, 1734 that the will entered was in fact the will of William Offutt. There were 16 different bequests listed in the will.
  8. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 81. Photocopy of the original will sent by Edward P. Offutt to Nelle Offutt Chesley. A transcript is presented in Volume 1. The will is listed as #774654 at the State of Maryland, Department of General Services; P.O. Box 828; Hall of Records; Annapolis, MD 21404. Also mentions Box 7, Folder 33 of Prince George's County Wills - 1748 - Hall of Records.
  9. [S5083] Prince George's Cty., MD Prerogative Court Vol. 25: Found on pages 388 - 389.

Sarah Offutt

F, b. April 2, 1709, d. June 6, 1762
FatherWilliam Offutt1 b. 1670, d. 1734
MotherMary Brock1 b. 1676, d. 1748
Last EditedMay 3, 2008
     Sarah Offutt was born on April 2, 1709 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.2,3,4 As of January 13, 1725,her married name was Harris.4,2 She married Thomas Harris, son of Thomas Harris Sr. and Rachel (?), on January 13, 1725.2,4 Sarah Offutt was mentioned in the will of William Offutt on November 10, 1732 at Lower Marlboro, Prince George's County, MD, USA.5,1,6,7 Sarah Harris was bequeathed clothing, a riding horse and saddle and two slaves in the will of Mary Brock on March 9, 1747 at Prince George's County, MD, USA.8,9 Sarah Offutt died on June 6, 1762 at Frederick County, MD, USA, at age 53.10,11


Thomas Harris b. 27 Mar 1699, d. 4 Dec 1771


  1. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 73.
  2. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 160.
  3. [S15] International Genealogical Index (IGI), I.G.I. Microfiche for Maryland Apr 1988 listing. Daughter of Wm. Offutt & Mary Brock.
  4. [S19] "Nat. Gen. Soc. Quart. #2, Vol. 12; Bible Rec. Thom. & Sarah (Offutt) Harris", Pg. 28.
  5. [S350] Ancestry Inc., online, Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume I thru VIII. Published by Jane Baldwin Cotton in Baltimore, MD in 1908. Volume 7, page 85 mentions the will of William Offutt, planter, of Prince Georges County.
  6. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 78-80. Referenced a photocopy sent to Nelle Offutt Chesley by Edward P. Offutt. Page 80 lists the Maryland Department of General Services #773498; Hall of Records; P.O. Box 828; Annapolis, MD 21404.
  7. [S2979] MD Wills, Vol. 21, Libers T & D: Will dated November 10, 1732. Will Book Volume 21 lists that one of the subscribing witnesses swore on oath June 10, 1734 that the will entered was in fact the will of William Offutt. There were 16 different bequests listed in the will.
  8. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 81. Photocopy of the original will sent by Edward P. Offutt to Nelle Offutt Chesley. A transcript is presented in Volume 1. The will is listed as #774654 at the State of Maryland, Department of General Services; P.O. Box 828; Hall of Records; Annapolis, MD 21404. Also mentions Box 7, Folder 33 of Prince George's County Wills - 1748 - Hall of Records.
  9. [S5083] Prince George's Cty., MD Prerogative Court Vol. 25: Found on pages 388 - 389.
  10. [S1] Nelle (Offutt) Chesley N.O.C. Vol. I, Pg. 160. Referenced the Bible Record of Thomas and Sarah Harris, copied by Miss Emma Strider who was the former National Historian of the D.A.R.
  11. [S19] "Nat. Gen. Soc. Quart. #2, Vol. 12; Bible Rec. Thom. & Sarah (Offutt) Harris", Pg 28.