Latest Change: November 24, 2024. See Change Log for details. I'd love to hear from you about the Web Site
The information presented is built on the work accomplished over many years by Nelle Offutt Chesley, Edward Offutt and the many Offutt descendants who provided information to them. Any errors in the information that you may find are unintentional.
I have updated the information that Nelle provided me where possible as new information became available. Additionally, I have made corrections where it became apparent that an error had been made.
Many years ago, I started trying to research my own Offutt line, and during that search was fortunate to contact Nelle. Over the years we kept in touch by letter and through phone calls. When Nelle decided to end her active research, she was kind enough to offer a copy of her material. Nelle kept her research in large notebooks. There were 7 volumes of information, each volume (placed in a large notebook) focused on a different generation. Nelle had three copies, a primary copy that was hers, and two other copies that were lent to other researchers. Nelle kept these sets up to date, making corrections through change pages when necessary. You should remember that Nelle managed to do this in the day of the typewriter. All indexing had to be done manually, and copies of the pages were either by carbon or a photocopier.
When I received the 7 volumes I started entering the information into a genealogy program called Brothers Keeper. After a while I decided that I needed something a little more powerful that would allow me to add much more information to each person so I switched to The Master Genealogist. That is the program I use now, in conjunction with Second Site to produce this web site. There are 16817 people, 7058 Sources and 9085 Exhibits currently associated with the data I have.
I hope that the information will be useful to you. Where possible I have links embedded in these pages that will allow you to see the original source document to allow you to make your own conclusions. I am more than happy to share the original image with anyone if I have permission to do so.
This site currently contains information on those Offutt's who have passed on. Information on those living, or thought to be living is not contained here. This is to try and keep the living descendants personal information private.
The person's information will include a line called "Reference". This field contains the Henry Numbering System value for Nelle's original work, or may have the name of the principal provider of the information for that person. I've included that information for those who have accessed, or may want to access the original work done by Nelle, as it was used throughout the 7 volumes.
My thanks to all of you who have graciously submitted photos of their families, or allowed me to use copies of their photos to add faces to the information,