- [S113] Unknown volume, Sevier County TN Marriage Records Book 26, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S392] Obituary of W. O. McConathy, The Waco News Tribune, Waco, TX. Hereinafter cited as Waco News Tribune.
- [S393] Memorial Obituary of Mrs. W. O. McConathy, Waco Times-Herald, Waco, TX, Jan. 17, 1975. Hereinafter cited as Waco Times-Herald.
- [S496] Carolyn Offutt Howry, "Floyd Garrett Offutt Family Information," e-mail message from Email Address on e-mail address (unknown address) to David W. Offutt, Feb 11, 2000. Hereinafter cited as "F. G. Offutt Family Info."
- [S539] Texas Birth Records On-Line, online www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as TX Birth Indexes.

- [S555] Betty Morrison, "Family History of Margaret Irene Offutt," e-mail message from Betty Morrison (e-mail address) to David W. Offutt, 6/27/2000. Hereinafter cited as "Fam. Hist. Margaret I. Offutt."
- [S843] Adjoining Counties, Scott County, Cynthiana Democrat, Cynthiana, Harrison County, KY, May 12, 1910, Pg. 4. Hereinafter cited as Cynthiana Democrat.
- [S868] Death Notices, Chicago Tribune (IL), Chicago, IL, July 28, 1979, Section 1 Page 17. Hereinafter cited as Chicago Tribune.

- [S1046] Rootsweb New Mexico Sources, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/nm/nmfiles.htm. Hereinafter cited as Rootsweb NM Sources.
- [S1182] Hopkins County Kentucky Genealogy, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~kyhopkin/index.html. Hereinafter cited as Hopkins Cty. KY Genealogy.
- [S1921] Mary Elizabeth Offutt, Texas Death Certificate Registrar's File #105; State File #1441 (January 3, 1951), Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as TX Death Certificate.

- [S1924] Thomas D. Offutt Sr., Texas Death Certificate Registrar's File #196; State File #56342 (August 20, 1968), Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as TX Death Certificate.

- [S1960] Infant of H. L. Isbell, Texas Death Certificate Registration Dist #8044; Registered #19 (March 8, 1921), Personal Library of David W. Offutt, Plattsmouth, NE, USA. Hereinafter cited as TX Death Certificate.

- [S1983] Obituary; Robert H. "Bob" Offutt, The Gleaner, Henderson, KY, July 2, 2006, N.P.. Hereinafter cited as The Gleaner.
- [S1984] Obituary; Eva Louise "Pat" Offutt, The Gleaner, Henderson, KY, October 30, 2007, N.P.. Hereinafter cited as The Gleaner.
- [S1985] Obituary; David A. Offutt, Evansville Courier & Press, Evansville, IN, July 22, 2000, N.P.. Hereinafter cited as Evansville Courier & Press.
- [S1988] Theodore Preston Offutt, Texas Death Certificate Registrar's File #136-76; State File #98547 (December 14, 1976), Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as TX Death Certificate.

- [S2039] George Howard Offutt, Texas Death Certificate Registrar's File # ; State File #41123 (October 5, 1942), Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as TX Death Certificate.

- [S2043] Deaths, Funerals, Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX, April 23, 1952, Section Part I Pg. 12. Hereinafter cited as Dallas Morning News.

- [S2109] Obituaries, Knoxville News Sentinel, Knoxville, TN, December 2, 2008, N.P.. Hereinafter cited as Knoxville News Sentinel.
- [S2577] Samuel Barton Offutt, Texas Birrth Certificate Reg. Dist # , Register #, File #10542 (April 9, 1927), Personal Library of David W. Offutt, Plattsmouth, NE, USA.

- [S2578] Samuel Barton Offutt, Texas Birth Certificate Reg. Dist # , Register #, File #14957 (September 26, 1975), Personal Library of David W. Offutt, Plattsmouth, NE, USA.

- [S2586] Mamie Doyal Offutt, Texas Birth Certificate Correction Reg. Dist # , Register #, File #35866 (April 25, 1946), Personal Library of David W. Offutt, Plattsmouth, NE, USA.

- [S2589] Household of Floyd G. Offutt, February 20, 1920 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Precinct #6, Knox Cty, TX, National Archives and Records Administration Film T625; Roll 1825; Pg 277.

- [S2590] Household of George H. Offutt, February 20, 1920 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Precinct #6, Knox Cty, TX, National Archives and Records Administration Film T625; Roll 1825; Pg 277 - 278.

- [S2591] Household of Floyd G. Offutt, February 20, 1930 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Precinct #6, Knox Cty, TX, National Archives and Records Administration Film T626; Roll 2367; Pg 246.

- [S3115] Annie Offutt, Tennessee Death Certificate Reg. District 24701; Death #49-27940 (December 19, 1949), Personal Library of David W. Offutt, Plattsmouth, NE, USA. Hereinafter cited as TN Death Certificate.

- [S3116] Sarrah Irine Offutt, Tennessee Death Certificate Registration District No. 13; Primary Registration District No. 13; File # 7699; Reg. No. 481 (June 10, 1928), Personal Library of David W. Offutt, Plattsmouth, NE, USA. Hereinafter cited as TN Death Certificate.

- [S3245] Obituary, Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, Lubbock, TX, May 12, 2011, N.P.. Hereinafter cited as Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.
- [S3346] Sam B. Offutt (1927-2012), Portales News-Tribune, Portales, NM, April 5, 2012, N.P.. Hereinafter cited as Portales News-Tribune.
- [S3635] Household of William L. Alford, June 18, 1900 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Justice Precinct 6, Jack Cty, TX, National Archives and Records Administration Film T623; Roll 1648; Sheet 6B.

- [S3946] Deaths and Funerals/Big Country F. G. Offutt Sr., Abilene Reporter-News, Abilene, TX, February 14, 1971, Pg. 8. Hereinafter cited as Abilene Reporter-News.

- [S3953] Olin J. Offutt, Deming Headlight, Deming, NM, Dec. 18, 2012, N.P.. Hereinafter cited as Deming Headlight.
- [S4027] William J. 'Bill' Offutt, The Messenger, Madisonville, KY, January 15, 2009, NP. Hereinafter cited as The Messenger.
- [S4155] Wayne Aldon Offutt, Texas Death Certificate Registrar's File #6511; State File #71542 (November 6, 1967), Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as TX Death Certificate.

- [S4969] Deaths In The Blue Grass; Mrs. Daisy L. Offutt, The Lexington Leader, Lexington, KY, August 13, 1941, Pg. 2. Hereinafter cited as The Lexington Leader.

- [S4970] Daisy Long Offutt, Death Certificate Reg. Dist. 1330; Primary Reg. Dist. 2515; File #54-16728; Registrar's No. 79 (August 14, 1954), Cabinet for Health Services, 275 East Main ST, Frankfort, Franklin County, KY, USA. Hereinafter cited as KY Death Certificate.

- [S5555] William Junior Offutt, Indiana Death Certificate Local No. 032; State No. 001795 (January 14, 2009), Indiana State Board of Health, P.O. Box 7125, Indianapolis, IN, USA. Hereinafter cited as IN Death Cert.

- [S5717] Lonnie Denver Offutt, Birth Certificate Report of Birth #5095 (unknown file date), Ancestry Genealogy Library, http://www.ancestry.com

- [S6016] Weddings, The Courier-Journal, Louisville, KY, March 16, 1958, Section 3 Page 2. Hereinafter cited as The Courier-Journal.

- [S6017] Obituaries, The Courier-Journal, Louisville, KY, May 9, 2006, Pg. B6. Hereinafter cited as The Courier-Journal.

- [S6558] U.S. Veterans Bureau Index Card, Veterans Affairs master index, prior war file; RG 15; Veterans Administration Master Index, , 1917-1940; 76193916 (Washington, DC: National Archives), Duplicate Roll 171A.

- [S6559] "United States, Selective Service System; World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918; Oliver McGee Offutt", Film M1509; National Archives and Records Administration; 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA. Hereinafter cited as "WW 1 Draft Reg. Cards 1917-1918."

- [S6560] Company 2 Camp Bowie Replacement Draft (April) Infantry, RMS Ausonia Passenger List; May 3, 1918, Record Group 92 (College Park, MD: The National Archives). Hereinafter cited as RMS Ausonia Pass. List; May 2, 1917.

- [S6561] Company D 30th Infanrty, USS America Passenger List; August 12, 1919, Record Group 92 (College Park, MD: The National Archives). Hereinafter cited as USS America Pass. List; August 12, 1919.

- [S6577] "Card for Nelson Offutt"; National Archives and Records Administration; 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA. Hereinafter cited as "Draft Reg. Card."

- [S6771] Obituary, The Rockdale Citizen, Conyers, GA, May 28, 2013, N.P.. Hereinafter cited as The Rockdale Citizen.
- [S6772] Commonwealth of Virginia; Department of Health - Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics; Marriage Return, Ancestry Genealogy Library, http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as VA; Dept. of Health - Bureau of Vital Rcds. and Health Statistics; Marr. Rtn.

- [S6782] Milas Heman Irwin, Tennessee Death Certificate Registration District No. 20701; File No. 11365; Reg. No. 32 (May 21, 1936), Ancestry Genealogy Library, http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as TN Death Certificate.

- [S7578] DEATHS, The Messenger, Madisonville, KY, February 26, 1993, Pg. 8. Hereinafter cited as The Messenger.