• [S140] Unknown author, Western History of Maryland (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
  • [S604] John N. Boucher, Old and New Westmoreland (New York, NY: The American Historical Society, 1918). Hereinafter cited as Old & New Westmoreland.
  • [S969] Headstone of Mary L. Offutt Photo, Personal Library of David W. Offutt (Plattsmouth, NE, USA).
  • [S1125] Obituary, The Washington Post, Washington, D.C., February 3, 1925, Page 2. Hereinafter cited as The Washington Post.
  • [S1138] Rockville, MD, The Washington Post, Washington, D.C., December 20, 1908, Page E9. Hereinafter cited as The Washington Post.
  • [S1145] Against Mrs. Offutt, The Washington Post, Washington, D.C., November 4, 1906, Page 12. Hereinafter cited as The Washington Post.
  • [S1146] Letter Wins Will Contest, The Washington Post, Washington, D.C., June 6, 1909, Page 6. Hereinafter cited as The Washington Post.
  • [S1147] Seeks Husband Estate, The Washington Post, Washington, D.C., October 4, 1905, Page 5. Hereinafter cited as The Washington Post.
  • [S1304] Obituaries, Washington Post, Washington, DC, July 5, 1935, Pg. 7. Hereinafter cited as Washington Post.
  • [S1321] The Work of Death: Miss Ella Offutt, The News, Frederick, MD, March 30, 1903, Page 3. Hereinafter cited as The News.
  • [S1487] Lemuel Offutt, June 1, 1880 Population Schedule, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, National Archives and Records Administration T9; Roll 1203 Page 278.
  • [S1579] Luther M. Offutt, Death Certificate Index Film # MSA SE 7-11, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as MD Death Records Counties Ind., 19?? - 19??
  • [S1582] John Daniel Offutt, Death Certificate Index Film # MSA SE 7-11, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as MD Death Records Counties Ind., 19?? - 19??
  • [S1669] Sunset Cemetery, Clinton, Anderson County, TN Burial List, online http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/tn/anderson/cemeteries/…. Hereinafter cited as Sunset Cemetery, Anderson Cty., TN List.
  • [S1799] Household of Luther Offutt, October 23, 1860 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; 4th District, Montgomery County, MD, National Archives and Records Administration Film M653; Roll 478; Pg 314.
  • [S1801] Household of William Offutt Jr, August 31, 1860 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; 4th District, Montgomery County, MD, National Archives and Records Administration Film M653; Roll 478; Pg 257-258.
  • [S1816] Household of James H. Offutt, August 6, 1870 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; 4th District, Montgomery County, MD, National Archives and Records Administration Film M593; Roll 591; Pg 478.
  • [S1819] Household of Luther M. Offutt, August 17, 1870 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; 4th District, Montgomery County, MD, National Archives and Records Administration Film M593; Roll 591; Pg 359.
  • [S2220] Household of Lemuel Offutt, June 26, 1900 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; 1st Ward, Greensburg Borough, Westmoreland County, PA, National Archives and Records Administration Film T 623; Roll 1497; Pg 95.
  • [S2221] Household of Lemuel Offutt, April 30, 1910 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; 1st Ward, Greensburg Borough, Westmoreland County, PA, National Archives and Records Administration Film T 624; Roll 1429; Pg 145-146.
  • [S2626] Household of William S. Offutt, June 5, 1880 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; 19th Ward, Baltimore, Baltimore County, MD, National Archives and Records Administration Film T9; Roll 504; Pg 110.
  • [S2950] Mary C. V. Offutt Photograph; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Photo taken by Malissa Ruffner April 30, 2010.
  • [S3112] John Oscar Offutt, Tennessee Death Certificate Registration District No. 13; Primary Registration District No. 13; File # 011045; Reg. No. 412 (May 31, 1926), Personal Library of David W. Offutt, Plattsmouth, NE, USA. Hereinafter cited as TN Death Certificate.
  • [S3113] Lulu O. Dossett, Tennessee Death Certificate Registration District No. 7; Primary Registration District No. 20705; File # 11595; Reg. No. 70 (June 23, 1938), Personal Library of David W. Offutt, Plattsmouth, NE, USA. Hereinafter cited as TN Death Certificate.
  • [S3256] Allegheny County, PA Marriage for Lemuel Offutt to Leola R. Edwards, Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Allegheny Cty., PA Marriage for Lemuel Offutt to Leola R. Edwards.
  • [S3405] District of Columbia Marriages, 1811-1950, from District of Columbia Clerk of the Superior Court, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as DC Marriages 1811 - 1950.
  • [S3494] William Amos Offutt, Tennessee Death Certificate Registration District No. 24701; Death No. 58-07354 (March 25, 1958), Personal Library of David W. Offutt, Plattsmouth, NE, USA. Hereinafter cited as TN Death Certificate.
  • [S3711] Thomas County Georgia Record of Marriages Book J 1879 - 1885, Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Thomas Cty. GA Record of Marr's Book J 1879-1885.
  • [S4300] James Hucorn Offutt, Death Certificate Registration District No. 938; Primary Registration District No. 1531; Registered No. 330; File No. 62776 (June 25, 1928), Ancestry Genealogy Library, http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as PA Death Cert.
  • [S4301] Lemuel C. Offutt, Death Certificate Registration District No. 130; Primary Registration District No. 65-07-01; Registered No. 512; File No. 105511 (December 14, 1933), Ancestry Genealogy Library, http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as PA Death Cert.
  • [S4307] Sarah Gates Miller, Death Certificate Registration District No. 677; Primary Registration District No. 261-265; File No. 093695-60 (October 18, 1960), Ancestry Genealogy Library, http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as PA Death Cert.
  • [S4308] Death Notices, The Evening Standard, Uniontown, PA, October 17, 1960, Pg. 28. Hereinafter cited as The Evening Standard.
  • [S4493] Mary E. Ruffner, Pennsylvania Death Certificate File #071992-61 (August 27, 1961), Ancestry Genealogy Library, http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as Death Cert. PA.
  • [S5733] Baltimore (Md.) cemetery records, 1853-1986, Burial Cards, unknown repository, unknown repository address;.
  • [S5739] Deaths, The Sun, Baltimore, MD, November 14, 1900, Pg. 4. Hereinafter cited as The Sun.
  • [S5749] Household of William S. Offut, July 29, 1870 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; 10th Ward, City of Baltimore, MD, National Archives and Records Administration Film M593; Roll 575 Pg 180.
  • [S5750] Household of Fanny B. H. Pleasants, June 11, 1900 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Ward 18, City of Baltimore, MD, National Archives and Records Administration Film T623; Roll 616; Sht. 13A.
  • [S5763] Offutt - Beall, The Sun, Baltimore, MD, April 29, 1904, Pg. 9. Hereinafter cited as The Sun.
  • [S5765] Household of James H. Offutt, April 29, 1910 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Elec. Dist. No. 6, Montgomery Cty., MD, National Archives and Records Administration Film T624; Roll 566; Sheet 10A.
  • [S5766] Household of James H. Offutt, February 2, 1920 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; No. 6 Dist, Montgomery Cty., MD, National Archives and Records Administration Film T625; Roll 671; Sheet 6B.
  • [S5767] Household of James H. Offutt, April 15, 1930 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Darnestown District, Montgomery Cty., MD, National Archives and Records Administration Film T626; Roll 2438; Sht. 4A.
  • [S6725] DEATHS, The Evening Star, Washington, DC, July 5, 1935, Pg. A-11. Hereinafter cited as The Evening Star.
  • [S7037] Wm. S. Offutt entry, Health Department, City of Baltimore; Office of Registrar of Vital Statistics, Permit Number B32325, Maryland State Archives, 350 Rowe Blvd., Annapolis, MD, USA. Hereinafter cited as Baltimore City Death Cert.
  • [S7096] ROCKVILLE AND VICINITY, The Evening Star, Washington, DC, May 2, 1907, Pg. 23. Hereinafter cited as The Evening Star.
  • [S7097] MARRIED, The Weekly News, Frederick, MD, August 28, 1884, Pg. 3. Hereinafter cited as The Weekly News.
  • [S7101] Household of H. P. Store, June 23, 1880 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; 4th District, Campbell County, TN, National Archives and Records Administration Film T9; Roll 1246; Pg. 25.
  • [S7102] Household of John D. Offutt, June 21, 1900 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Darnestown District, Montgomery County, MD, National Archives and Records Administration Film T623; Roll 625; Sht. 15A.
  • [S7176] Death of a Good Citizen, The Montgomery County Sentinel, Rockville, MD, May 3, 1907, Pg. 3. Hereinafter cited as The Montgomery Cty. Sentinel.
  • [S7332] Luther M. Offutt, Death Certificate unknown number, Maryland State Archives, 350 Rowe Blvd., Annapolis, MD, USA. Hereinafter cited as MD Death Cert.
  • [S7333] Maryland Obituary, The Washington Post, Washington, DC, December 2, 1904, Pg. 5. Hereinafter cited as The Washington Post.