- [S151] Unknown author, Oaklawn Cemetery, Tulsa OK Records. (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S200] Household of S. R. Offutt, May 13 - 14, 1910 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule, National Archives and Records Administration T624; Roll 1275; Pg. 11.

- [S333] Confederate Veterans Buried in Oklahoma, online http://home.earthlink.net/~dawise/convet.htm. Hereinafter cited as Conf. Vets Buried in OK.
- [S433] Unknown household, 1860 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, National Archives and Records Administration M 653.
- [S525] Missouri Soldiers (1861-1865) War Between the States, Missouri Adjutant General Index Cards, Kansas City, Clay County, MO, USA; unknown repository. Hereinafter cited as MO Soldiers 1861-1865.

- [S693] Samuel Ray Offutt file; A1249; Oklahoma Confederate Pensions; Reel 4 (200 NE 18th St Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Oklahoma Department of Libraries).

- [S733] Household of Zedekiah Offutt, August 15, 1870 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule, National Archives and Records Administration Film M593; Roll 784 Pg. 489.

- [S783] Chapman Publishing, Portraits and Biographical Record of Johnson and Pettis Counties Missouri (Chicago, IL: Chapman Publishing Co., 1895). Hereinafter cited as Portraits & Bio. Rcd. of Johnson & Pettis Cty., MO.

- [S819] Household of William S. Offutt, July 19, 1860 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule, National Archives and Records Administration M653; Roll 607; Pp. 31 & 32.

- [S897] Diane Halsey, "Details on Kansas Offutt's, Oliver Clyde Offutt," e-mail message from unknown author e-mail (unknown address) to David Offutt, April 12, 2005. Hereinafter cited as "Kansas Offutt Information."
- [S1174] Bill Shults, "Information on the marriages and descendants of Nancy J. (nee Offutt) Kelly Edwards," e-mail message from Bill Shults (unknown address) to David Offutt, Sep. 26, 2006. Hereinafter cited as "Info on Nancy J. (nee Offutt) Kelly Edwards."

- [S1373] Mrs. Frances Terry Ingmire, compiler, Grayson County, Texas Marriage Records, 1847-1877 (P.O. Box 400; Signal Mountain, TN 37377-0400: Mountain Press, 1979). Hereinafter cited as Grayson Cty., TX Marr Rcds 1847-1877.
- [S1447] Household of James Buxdale has Otho Offutt listed as a boarder, June 15, 1900 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Madison Township, Johnson County, MO, National Archives and Records Administration T623; Roll 868.

- [S1485] Otho Offutt will (September 18, 1908), Last Will and Testament of Otho Offutt No. 2001, unknown repository, Cooke County, TX, USA. Hereinafter cited as Will of Otho Offutt.
- [S1502] Household of Zedekiah Offutt, June 29, 1860 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule, National Archives and Records Administration M 653; Roll 626 Pg. 792 - 793.

- [S1566] Household of Z. M. Offutt, June 16, 1880 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Schedule No. 1, National Archives and Records Administration Film T9; Roll 375 Pg 355.

- [S1724] Edgar Lee Offutt, Death Certificate Record #1026 (September 22, 1926), Personal Library of David W. Offutt, Plattsmouth, NE, USA. Hereinafter cited as KS Death Certificate.

- [S1850] Household of Otho Offutt, June 24, 1880 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Allen, Collin County, TX, National Archives and Records Administration Film T9; Roll 1296; Pg 78.

- [S1947] Death of S. A. Offutt, Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX, September 30, 1915, Page 5. Hereinafter cited as Dallas Morning News.

- [S1948] Household of S. R. Offutt, June 18, 1900 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule, National Archives and Records Administration Film T623; Roll 881; Sht. 11B.

- [S1986] Household of Wm. B. Offutt, August 15, 1870 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule, National Archives and Records Administration Film M593; Roll 784 Pg. 489.

- [S2000] Household of Emeline Offitt, September 2, 1870 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Precinct #1, Grayson County, TX, National Archives and Records Administration Film M593 Roll 1588; Pg 79.

- [S2020] Mrs. Nannie Edwards, Texas Death Certificate Registrar's File #90; State File #55195 (December 18, 1928), Personal Library of David W. Offutt, Plattsmouth, NE, USA. Hereinafter cited as TX Death Certificate.

- [S2234] Household of William S. Offutt, December 4, 1850 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Jackson Township, Johnson County, MO, National Archives and Records Administration Film M 432; Roll 403; Pg 74B.

- [S2450] John N. Offutt, Death Certificate 39-017626 (March 16, 1939), Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as State of California Death Cert.

- [S2502] Maryland Obituary, The Washington Post, Washington, DC, April 29, 1907, Pg. 11. Hereinafter cited as Washington Post.

- [S2789] Household of Reuben Vaughn, August 16, 1850 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Kaw Township, Jackson County, MO, National Archives and Records Administration Film M432; Roll 402; Pg 244a.

- [S2949] Mary V. Offutt Photograph; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Photo taken by Malissa Ruffner April 30, 2010.

- [S3455] Donald R. Hale, We Rode With Quantrill (Independence, MO: Blue & Grey Book Shoppe, 1998). Hereinafter cited as We Rode With Quantrill.
- [S3906] California Board of Health; Bureau of Vital Statistics; Standard Certificate of Marriage, Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as CA Standard Marr. Cert. & License.

- [S4079] Giant of the Guerillas, The Tacoma Daily News, Tacoma, WA, October 31, 1903, Pg. 23. Hereinafter cited as Tacoma Daily News.

- [S4171] Los Angeles County California Marriage License and Certificate of Marriage, Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Los Angeles Cty, CA Marr. Lic. & Cert. of Marr.

- [S4302] Lemuel Offutt, Death Certificate Registration District No. 938; Primary Registration District No. 1531; Registered No. 135; File No. 27745 (March 27, 1918), Ancestry Genealogy Library, http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as PA Death Cert.

- [S4786] Madison County Kentucky Marriage Records Volume 2; 1843 - 1847, Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Madison Cty. KY Marr. Reg. Vol. 2; 1843-1877.

- [S5135] Reason Ray Offutt, Death Certificate Local No. 196; Registered No. 29629 (September 6, 1936), Ancestry Genealogy Library, http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as IN State Board of Health Death Cert.

- [S5339] Johnson County Missouri Recorder of Deeds, online https://www.jocorecorder.com/public-searching. Hereinafter cited as Johnson Cty., MO Rcdr. of Deeds.
- [S6018] Madison County Kentucky Marriage Records 1786 - 1877, Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Madison Cty. KY Marr. Rcds. 1786 - 1877.

- [S6269] City News in Brief, The Tulsa Daily World, Tulsa, OK, September 28, 1915, Pg. FIVE. Hereinafter cited as The Tulsa Daily World.

- [S7329] John Daniel Offutt, Death Certificate unknown number, Maryland State Archives, 350 Rowe Blvd., Annapolis, MD, USA. Hereinafter cited as MD Death Cert.

- [S7364] Grayson County Texas Marriage Records, Ancestry Genealogy Library, http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as Grayson Cty. TX Marr. Rcds.

- [S7382] Jesse Offutt, Death Certificate Reg. District No. 7097; Registrar's Number 18957 (December 20, 1956), Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as CA - Dept. of Public Health.

- [S7383] George Offutt, Death Certificate District No. 1901; Local Registered Number 15378 (January 2, 1935), Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as CA - Dept. of Public Health.

- [S7429] Robert Harvey Lee, Death Certificate Stamped 1447 (January 20, 1942), Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as TX Death Cert.

- [S7430] Anna Lee Sears, Death Certificate Registrar's Number 668; Stamped 53906 (December 16, 1938), Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as TX Death Cert.

- [S7431] Ida Lee Robinson, Death Certificate State File No. 37967 (July 28, 1958), Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as TX Death Cert.

- [S7432] Household of James H. Lee, July 21, 1870 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Voting District 2, Rockcastle County, KY, National Archives and Records Administration Film M593; Roll 497; Pg. 15.

- [S7433] Household of J. H. Lee, June 24, 1880 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Precinct No. 1, Collin County, TX, National Archives and Records Administration Film T9; Roll 1296; Pg. 46.

- [S7434] Household of Joseph M. Adams, June 12, 1900 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Justice Precinct 4, Montague County, TX, National Archives and Records Administration Film T623; Roll 1660; Sht. 5A.

- [S7435] Mrs. Sallie E. Lee Dies, The Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX, December 22, 1916, Page 5. Hereinafter cited as The Dallas Morning News.

- [S7439] Household of S. R. Arphutt (As enumarated), June 10, 1880 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Precinct No. 1, Montague County, TX, National Archives and Records Administration Film T9; Roll 1320; Pg. 13.