• [S38] Thomas W. Westerfield, editor, KY Genealogy & Biography Volume IV (n.p.: Genealogical Reference Company, January 1972). Hereinafter cited as KY Gen. & Biog. Vol. 4.
  • [S111] L. Tilden Moore, compiler, Abstracts of Marriages and Deaths and Other Articles of Interest in the Newspapers of Frederick and Montgomery Cty's, MD. From 1831-1840. (Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1991). Hereinafter cited as Abstracts of Marriages and Deaths... Newspapers Frederick & Montgomery Cty's MD.
  • [S118] Household of Andrew J. Offutt, June 1, 1900 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Schedule No. 1, National Archives and Records Administration Film T653; Roll 551; Pg. 78.
  • [S119] June 4, 1880 Federal Census, Spencer County, Kentucky, Schedule 1, National Archives and Records Administration Film T9; Roll 442 Pp 454-455.
  • [S121] Letter from Andrew Jefferson Offutt VI (unknown author address) to unknown recipient; unknown repository (unknown repository address).
  • [S198] Unknown author, "Family Group Records" (unknown compiler address). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Family Group Sheets."
  • [S278] The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, compiler, The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 118 (Washington, D.C.: The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1908). Hereinafter cited as DAR Vol 118.
  • [S308] The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, compiler, The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 98 (Washington, D.C.: The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1908). Hereinafter cited as DAR Vol 98.
  • [S401] Ernest Bryan Schaub, "Lee Offutt from Texas," e-mail message from Email Address on e-mail address (unknown address) to David W. Offutt, Mar. 13, 1999. Hereinafter cited as "Lee Offutt from Texas."
  • [S405] Deeds for Barnabas and Mary A. (Howell) Sisk Jr., online http://cgi.rootsweb.com/~genbbs/genbbs.cgi/USA/Ky/…. Hereinafter cited as Sisk Family Deeds.
  • [S475] Unknown author, "E-mail message from Ann and Billy Offutt," e-mail message from Email Address on e-mail address (unknown address) to David W. Offutt, 1999. Hereinafter cited as "A. & B. Offutt e-mail."
  • [S577] Betty Gosdin, "Information about the Sait Offutt Family and other relatives," e-mail message from Betty J. Gosdin (unknown address) to David W. Offutt, Aug. 28, 2000. Hereinafter cited as "Sait Offutt Family and other relatives."
  • [S585] Jim Laffoon, "Offutt's in Hopkins County Kentucky Information sent by Jim Laffoon," e-mail message from Jim Laffoon (unknown address) to David W. Offutt, Sept. 11, 2000. Hereinafter cited as "Offutt's in Hopkins Cty., KY Info from J. Laffoon."
  • [S728] Sam Offutt III, "Information on the Samuel J. (later T.) Offutt family," e-mail message from Sam Offutt III (e-mail address) to David Offutt, 3 Jun 2002. Hereinafter cited as "Info on the Samuel J. (Later T.) Offutt family."
  • [S772] Nancy Trice, "Hopkins County Genealogical Society Information," e-mail message from Nancy Trice (e-mail address) to David Offutt, Nov. 18, 2001. Hereinafter cited as "Hopkins Cty., KY Gen. Society Info."
  • [S778] Household of John S. Offutt, June 1880 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; District No. 2, Hopkins County, KY, National Archives and Records Administration Film T9; Roll 420 Pg 314.
  • [S833] John Boucher History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Volume II (New York, NY: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1906). Hereinafter cited as Hist. of Westmoreland Cty., PA.
  • [S947] Elizabeth Offutt will (Jan 3, 1841), Woodford County Kentucky Will Book M, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Woodford Cty., KY Will Book M.
  • [S1191] S. W. Offutt, Kentucky Death Certificate File No. 20886; Reg. Dist. 530; Primary Registration District 2265 (Aug. 30, 1911), Personal Library of David W. Offutt, Plattsmouth, NE, USA. Hereinafter cited as KY Death Cert.
  • [S1537] Household of Jefferson Offutt, July 4, 1870 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule, National Archives and Records Administration Film M593; Roll 499 Pg 182.
  • [S1539] Household of Samuel Offutt, April 19, 1910 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Schedule No. 1, National Archives and Records Administration Film T624; Roll 499 Pg 208.
  • [S1540] Household of Jeff A. Offutt, January 13, 1920 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Schedule No. 1, National Archives and Records Administration Film T625; Roll 598; Sheet 6B and 7A.
  • [S1689] John S. Offutt, Kentucky Death Certificate Reg. District 530; Primary Registration Dist. 2265; File # 20368; Registered Number 68 (August 12, 1920), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as KY Death Cert.
  • [S1911] Joshua Offutt, Texas Death Certificate Registrar's #20; State File #32981 (August 2, 1943), Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as TX Death Certificate.
  • [S2120] John Thomas Offutt, Death Certificate Record No. 13, Registered No. 2 (February 4, 1923), Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as State of Washington Death Cert.
  • [S2223] Household of Thos W. Offutt, August 18, 1860 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Madisonville, Hopkins County, KY, National Archives and Records Administration Film M 653; Roll 374; Pg 814.
  • [S2224] Household of John M Offutt, August 18, 1860 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Madisonville, Hopkins County, KY, National Archives and Records Administration Film M 653; Roll 374; Pg 814.
  • [S2225] Household of John Offut, September 2, 1850 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; District #1, Hopkins County, KY, National Archives and Records Administration Film M 432; Roll 205; Pg.
  • [S2642] Household of John S. Offutt, April 29, 1910 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Magesterial District #2, Hopkins Cty., KY, National Archives and Records Administration Film T624; Roll 481; Pg 81.
  • [S3029] Married, Western Monitor, Lexington, KY, February 23, 1816, Pg. 3. Hereinafter cited as Western Monitor.
  • [S3146] Wm. Foree Offutt, Kentucky Death Certificate Reg. Dist. #1340, Primary Reg. Dist. #7414, File #4896, Registered #470 (March 7, 1924), Personal Library of David W. Offutt, Plattsmouth, NE, USA. Hereinafter cited as KY Death Cert.
  • [S3417] Clark County Indiana Marriages 1928 Volume 91; License for Charles W. Offutt to Helen Walts, Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Clark Cty., IN Marr's 1928 Volume 91; Charles W. Offutt to Helen Walts.
  • [S4865] Household of John S. Offutt, June 12, 1900 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Earlington District, Hopkins County, KY, National Archives and Records Administration Film T623; Roll 528, Sheet 9B.
  • [S5099] Household of John G. Offutt, June 14, 1880 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; 4th District, Spencer Cty., KY, National Archives and Records Administration Film T9; Roll 442, Pg. 10B.
  • [S5100] Household of John G. Offutt, June 13, 1900 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Vernon Township, Jackson County, IN, National Archives and Records Administration Film T623; Roll 379; Sheet 6A.
  • [S5101] Nelson County Kentucky Marriage License and Certificate of Marriage, Ancestry Genealogy Library, http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as Nelson Cty., KY Marr. Lic. & Rtn. of Marr.
  • [S5102] Household of John G. Offutt, April 21, 1910 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Vernon Township, Jackson County, IN, National Archives and Records Administration Film T624; Roll 357; Sheet 3A.
  • [S5103] Jackson County Kentucky Marriage Record; Volume N 1905 - 1907, Ancestry Genealogy Library, http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as Jackson Cty., KY Marr. Rcd.; Volume N 1905 - 1907.
  • [S5104] AGED VERNON TOWNSHIP RESIDENT DIES TUESDAY, Seymour Daily Republican, Seymour, IN, March 27, 1918, Pg. 4. Hereinafter cited as Seymour Daily Republican.
  • [S5106] Mary E. Conway, Death Certificate Local No. 4311; Death No. 35224 (November 29, 1950), Ancestry Genealogy Library, http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as IN State Board of Health Death Cert.
  • [S5174] Lucy J. Waters, Death Certificate Local No. 005447; State No. 91-034155 (August 13, 1991), Ancestry Genealogy Library, http://www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as IN State Board of Health Death Cert.
  • [S5468] James Wigginton Offutt, Kentucky Death Certificate Registration District No. 1355; Primary Registration District No. 8311; Registrar's No. 91; File No. 116 58-9520 (April 16, 1958), Cabinet for Health Services, 275 East Main ST, Frankfort, Franklin County, KY, USA. Hereinafter cited as KY Death Cert.
  • [S5472] Susan Theresa Neel, Kentucky Death Certificate Registration District No. 755; Primary Registration District No. 2275; Registrar's No. 1734; File No. 116 60-5709 (March 1, 1960), Cabinet for Health Services, 275 East Main ST, Frankfort, Franklin County, KY, USA. Hereinafter cited as KY Death Cert.
  • [S5499] Mrs. Bettie V. Sisk, Kentucky Death Certificate Registration District No. 730; Primary Registration District No. 5760; Registered No. 178; File No. 28880 (December 9, 1929), Cabinet for Health Services, 275 East Main ST, Frankfort, Franklin County, KY, USA. Hereinafter cited as KY Death Cert.
  • [S5538] Elizabeth Offutt Whitehouse, Kentucky Death Certificate Registration District No. 500; Primary Registration District No. 2165; Registrar's No. 785; State File No. 116 51 15712 (August 29, 1951), Cabinet for Health Services, 275 East Main ST, Frankfort, Franklin County, KY, USA. Hereinafter cited as KY Death Cert.
  • [S5541] Annie Offutt, Kentucky Death Certificate Registration District No. 755; Primary Registration District No. 6101; Registrar's No. 3940; State File No. 116 54 14073 (July 29, 1954), Cabinet for Health Services, 275 East Main ST, Frankfort, Franklin County, KY, USA. Hereinafter cited as KY Death Cert.
  • [S6483] John S. Offutt file; File No. 3140; Soldier's Application for Pension (Frankfort, KY: Confederate Pension Board/Historical Society).
  • [S7215] Todd County Kentucky Marriage Licenses Book A, Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Todd Cty. KY Marr. Licenses Bk. A.
  • [S7224] Household of John M. Offutt, 1830 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Schedule of Whole Persons; Christian Cty., KY, National Archives and Records Administration Film M19; Roll 35, Pg. 28.
  • [S7225] Tamatha Offutt, "Email Regarding Ancestry of Robert Offutt," e-mail message to David Offutt, April 2023. Hereinafter cited as "Email Re. Ancestry of Robert Offutt". Contact the Webmaster to be placed into contact with the author of the email.