- [S752] Mrs. Catherine M. Offutt Obituary, Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA, Feb. 24, 1999, Pg. D7. Hereinafter cited as Spokesman Review.
![Obituary for Catherine Offutt
Printed in the Wednesday, February 24, 1999 edition of The Spokesman-Review on page D7](picicon.gif)
- [S753] Mrs. Catherine M. Offutt Funeral Notice, Spokesman Review, Spokane, WA, Feb. 23, 1999, Pg. C7. Hereinafter cited as Spokesman Review.
![Funeral Notice for Catherine M. Offutt](picicon.gif)
- [S760] Texas Marriage Records Index, Bureau of Vital Statistics, P.O. Box 12040, Austin, TX, USA. Hereinafter cited as TX Marr. Rcds. ind.
- [S769] Registry of Burials in Walnut Grove Cemetery, online http://walnutgrovecemetery.org/registry-of-graves. Hereinafter cited as Walnut Grove Cemetery Graves.
- [S849] With Our Men in the Service, unknown newspaper title, unknown location, c 1944.
![Hobart and William Offutt, World War 2 Marines](picicon.gif)
- [S852] Deaths; Beverly J. Offutt, Alamogordo Daily News, Alamogordo, NM, March 23, 2004. Hereinafter cited as Alamogordo Daily News.
![Obituary for Beverly J. Offutt; printed in the Alamogordo Daily News, March 23, 2004](picicon.gif)
- [S965] Headstone of Walter Offutt Photo, Personal Library of David W. Offutt (Plattsmouth, NE, USA).
![Headstone for Walter Offutt
Photo taken by Leslie Smith](picicon.gif)
- [S966] Headstone of Seddie T. Offutt Photo, Personal Library of David W. Offutt (Plattsmouth, NE, USA).
![Headstone for Seddie T. Offutt](picicon.gif)
- [S1440] Household of Monroe Thomson, June 4, 1880 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Dresden, Pettis County, MO, National Archives and Records Administration Film T9; Roll 0708 Page 86.
![1880 Federal Census; Dresden Loop, Pettis County, MO](picicon.gif)
- [S2123] Seddie Thompson Offutt, Death Certificate Record No. 533; Registered No. 74, Washington State Archives; Digital Archives, 960 Washington Street, Cheney, WA, USA. Hereinafter cited as State of Washington Death Cert.
![Washington Death Certificate for Seddie Thompson Offutt](picicon.gif)
- [S2243] Household of William Offitt, June 2, 1880 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Morrill, Brown County, KS, National Archives and Records Administration Film T 9; Roll 374; Pg 362.
![1880 Federal Census of Morrill, Brown County, KS. Household of William Offitt](picicon.gif)
- [S2986] Household of Walter G. Offutt, June 12, 1900 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Lind Precinct, Adams Cty., WA, National Archives and Records Administration Film T623; Roll 1741, Pg 42.
![1900 Federal Census for Lind Precinct, Adams County, WA. Lists the household of Walter G. Offutt](picicon.gif)
- [S2987] Household of Walter G. Offut, April 26, 1910 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Ward 5, Spokane, Spokane Cty., WA, National Archives and Records Administration Film T624; Roll 1671, Pg 113.
![1910 Federal Census for Ward 5, Spokane, Spokane County, WA. Lists the household of Walter G. Offut](picicon.gif)
- [S2988] Household of Walter G. Offutt, January 12, 1920 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Meridian Precinct, King Cty., WA, National Archives and Records Administration Film T625; Roll 1924, Pg 4.
![1920 Federal Census for Meridian Precinct, King County, WA. Lists the household of Walter G. Offutt](picicon.gif)
- [S3088] Household of Effie E. Offutt, April 19, 1910 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Burnsville, Braxton Cty., WV, National Archives and Records Administration Film T624; Roll 1683; Sht. 13B.
![1910 Federal Census; Burnsville, Braxton County, West Virginia. Household of Effie E. Offutt](picicon.gif)
- [S3089] Marriage Registry of Mercer County, WV for the year 1917, West Virginia Division of Culture and History, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, WV, USA. Hereinafter cited as 1917 Marr. Registry; Mercer Cty. WV.
![1917 Marriage Registry for Mercer Cty., WV; Marriage of Percy L. Offutt to Blanche F. Deaton](picicon.gif)
- [S3090] Household of Percy L. Offutt, January 8, 1920 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Bluefield, Mercer County, WV, National Archives and Records Administration Film T625; Roll 1963; Sht. 10A.
![1920 Census of Bluefield, Mercer County, WV; Percy L. Offutt](picicon.gif)
- [S4032] John Bull Offutt, Death Record Vol. 70 page 141 (1913), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as MA Vital Rcds Ind. to Deaths 1911-1915 Volume 63.
![Index to Deaths in Massachusetts; Vol. 63, Title Page](picicon.gif)
![Index to Deaths in Massachusetts; Vol. 63, page lists John Bull Offutt](picicon.gif)
- [S4557] Funeral, The Brown County World, Hiawatha, KS, September 28, 1906, Pg. 7. Hereinafter cited as The Brown County World.
![Funeral of Wm. L. Offutt
Published in The Brown County World, September 28, 1906](picicon.gif)
- [S4558] Lillian O. Beckett, Death Certificate File #36189 (November 27, 1928), Missouri Secretary of State, 600 W. Main/P.O. Box 1747, Jefferson City, MO, USA. Hereinafter cited as MO Death Certificate.
![MO Death Certificate for Lillian O. Beckett](picicon.gif)
- [S4559] From Morrill, The Brown County World, Hiawatha, KS, May 31, 1889, Pg. 2. Hereinafter cited as The Brown County World.
![Wedding Announcement of Lillie Offutt to Wm. M. Becket
Published in The Brown County World, May 31, 1889](picicon.gif)
- [S4560] Double Wedding; Gordon-Watts-Coberly-Offutt, The Brown County World, Hiawatha, KS, December 27, 1883, Pg. 3. Hereinafter cited as The Brown County World.
![Wedding Announcement of Fannie Offutt to A. D. Coberly
Published in The Brown County World, December 27, 1883](picicon.gif)
- [S4562] W. L. Hammond, The Brown County World, Hiawatha, KS, December 29, 1899, Pg. 31. Hereinafter cited as The Brown County World.
![Bio of W. L. Hammond
Published in The Brown County World, December 29, 1899](picicon.gif)
- [S4563] Graves We Decorate, The Brown County World, Hiawatha, KS, May 30, 1913, Pg. 4. Hereinafter cited as The Brown County World.
![Decoration of Graves
Published in The Brown County World, May 30, 1913](picicon.gif)
- [S4564] Brown County Kansas Marriage License and Return of Marriage, Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Brown Cty. Marr. Lic. & Return of Marr.
![Brown County Kansas Marriage record for Fannie Offutt and H. D. Coberly
Marriage Book C, page 240](picicon.gif)
- [S4565] Brown County Kansas Marriage License and Return of Marriage, Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Brown Cty. Marr. Lic. & Return of Marr.
![Brown County Kansas Marriage record for Laura Offutt and W. L. Hammond
Marriage Book C, page 66](picicon.gif)
- [S4566] Laura Offutt Hammond, The Brown County World, Hiawatha, KS, September 28, 1894, Pg. 3. Hereinafter cited as The Brown County World.
![Obituary of Laura Offutt Hammon
Published in The Brown County World, September 28, 1894](picicon.gif)
- [S4567] Obituary, The Brown County World, Hiawatha, KS, January 20, 1893, Pg. 3. Hereinafter cited as The Brown County World.
![Obituary of Fannie Offut Coberly
Published in The Brown County World, January 20, 1893](picicon.gif)
- [S4568] Brown County Kansas Marriage License and Return of Marriage, Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Brown Cty. Marr. Lic. & Return of Marr.
![Brown County Kansas Marriage record for Lillian Offutt and William M. Beckett
Marriage Book E, page 99](picicon.gif)
- [S4569] Brown County Kansas Marriage License and Return of Marriage, Family Search Web Site, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Brown Cty. Marr. Lic. & Return of Marr.
![Brown County Kansas Marriage record for Jennie Offutt and Charles M. Chittenden
Marriage Book D, page 265](picicon.gif)
- [S4570] Minnie Offutt Chittenden, Death Certificate File #19451 (June 18, 1951), Missouri Secretary of State, 600 W. Main/P.O. Box 1747, Jefferson City, MO, USA. Hereinafter cited as MO Death Certificate.
![MO Death Certificate for Minnie Offutt Chittenden](picicon.gif)
- [S4571] Morrill Brieflets, The Brown County World, Hiawatha, KS, September 30, 1887, Pg. 3. Hereinafter cited as The Brown County World.
![Notice of Marriage for Minnie Offutt to Mr. Chittington
Published in The Brown County World, September 30, 1887](picicon.gif)
- [S4574] Charles Chittenden Will Be Buried in Savannah, The Maryville Daily Forum, Maryville, MO, February 9, 1932, Pg. 1. Hereinafter cited as The Maryville Daily Forum.
![Burial of Charles Chittenden
Printed in The Maryville Daily Forum on February 9, 1932](picicon.gif)
- [S4576] Items of Interest - Kansas Chief, The Kansas Daily Tribune, Lawrence, KS, October 1, 1881, Pg. 4. Hereinafter cited as The KS Daily Tribune.
![Notice of Marriage for Laura Offutt to Will. Hammond
Published in The Kansas Daily Tribune, October 1, 1881](picicon.gif)
- [S4577] Marriage at Morrill, The Weekly Kansas Chief, Troy, KS, October 6, 1887, Pg. 2. Hereinafter cited as The Weekly KS Chief.
![Marriage Announcement for Minnie Offutt to C. M. Chittenden
Published in The Weekly Kansas Chief, October 6, 1887](picicon.gif)
- [S4578] Died, The Weekly Kansas Chief, Troy, KS, January 12, 1893, Pg. 3. Hereinafter cited as The Weekly KS Chief.
![Death of Mrs. Fannie Offutt Coberly
Published in The Weekly Kansas Chief, January 12, 1893](picicon.gif)
- [S4579] Died, The Weekly Kansas Chief, Troy, KS, October 15, 1896, Pg. 3. Hereinafter cited as The Weekly KS Chief.
![W. L. Offutt awarded a pension
Published in The Weekly Kansas Chief, October 15, 1896](picicon.gif)
- [S4581] Brooks, The Brown County World, Hiawatha, KS, September 1, 1905, Pg. 8. Hereinafter cited as The Brown County World.
![Obituary for Martha Robinson Darland Brooks
Published in The Brown County World, September 1, 1905](picicon.gif)
- [S4718] Lottie May Amick, Death Certificate Reg. Dist. #155, Primary Reg. Dist. #5579, Registrars #221, State File #43846 (January 24, 1950), Missouri Secretary of State, 600 W. Main/P.O. Box 1747, Jefferson City, MO, USA. Hereinafter cited as MO Death Cert.
![Death Certificate for Lottie May Offutt Amick](picicon.gif)
- [S4834] Detailed Report of the Killing of Jim Offutt in Bourbon County, The Courier-Journal, Lexington, KY, August 25, 1881, Pg. 6. Hereinafter cited as The Courier-Journal.
![Death of Jas. (Jim) Offutt
Printed in the Thursday, August 25, 1881 edition of The Courier-Journal](picicon.gif)
- [S4954] George Offutt, The Lexington Leader, Lexington, KY, December 11, 1939, Pg. 2. Hereinafter cited as The Lexington Leader.
![Death of George Offutt
Printed in the Monday, December 11, 1939 edition of The Lexington Leader](picicon.gif)
- [S4982] Household of Mollie Wilkinson, May 7, 1910 Federal Census, 700 Pennsylvania AVE, NW, Washington, DC, USA, Population Schedule; Milton, Norfolk County, MA, National Archives and Records Administration Film T624; Roll 609; Sht. 19B.
![1910 Federal Census. Household of John B. Offutt](picicon.gif)
- [S6088] Mrs. Levina Offutt, The Morrill Weekly News, Morrill, KS, June 11, 1914, Pg. 1. Hereinafter cited as The Morrill Weekly News.
![Obituary for Mrs. Levina Offutt
Printed in the Thursday, June 11, 1914 edition of The Morrill Weekly News on page 1](picicon.gif)
- [S6089] Deaths - Offut, The Brown County World, Hiawatha, KS, June 12, 1914, Pg. 3. Hereinafter cited as The Brown County World.
![Obituary for Mrs. W. L. Offut
Printed in the Friday, June 12, 1914 edition of The Brown County World on page 3](picicon.gif)
- [S6107] Local and Personal, The Kansas Democrat, Hiawatha, KS, May 29, 1902, Pg. 8. Hereinafter cited as The Kansas Democrat.
![Visit of Mrs. M. A. Harmon and Mr. and Mrs. Copeland to her borther W. L. Offutt
Printed in the Thursday, May 29, 1902 edition of The Kansas Democrat on page 8](picicon.gif)
- [S6473] Death Notices, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, TX, February 9, 1977, Pg. 10C. Hereinafter cited as Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
![Death Notice for Charles Lee Offutt
Printed in the Wednesday, February 9, 1977 edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on page 10C.](picicon.gif)
- [S6474] Services for R.L Offutt incomplete, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, TX, May 23, 1977, Pg. 7D. Hereinafter cited as Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
![Death of R. L. Offutt
Printed in the Monday, May 23, 1977 edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on page 7D.](picicon.gif)
- [S6480] Obituaries, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, TX, December 22, 2015, Pg. 11A. Hereinafter cited as Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
![Obituary for Geneva Louise Norris
Printed in the Tuesday, December 22, 2015 edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on page 11A.](picicon.gif)
- [S6482] Obituaries, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, TX, June 25, 1999, Pg. 7B. Hereinafter cited as Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
![Obituary for Reba Bailey
Printed in the Friday, June 25, 1999 edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on page 7B.](picicon.gif)
- [S7082] Grover J. Offutt, Death Certificate State File No. 13393; Registrar's No. 69 (June 19, 1967), Washington State Archives; Digital Archives, 960 Washington Street, Cheney, WA, USA. Hereinafter cited as State of Washington Death Cert.
![Washington Death Certificate for Grover J. Offutt](picicon.gif)