20 Feb 2005 Family Group Sheet
Husband: Hieronymus Baker #145 Also known as John (Jerome) Henry Baker died at age: 42
Born: 1832 in Prussia, Germany 1
Died: 1874 in
Naturalized: in Nationality: Gzetterzell
Occupation: Feed/farm store/bauer
Per Amelia Ockerhausen Henry: This name is also Jerome Henry. Married in
Germany and came to America in 1849 prox. He arrived at the port of Baltimore
with his wife Anna, age 19. City in Germany sounds like Hessen Donstardt. He
sold dapple grey horses to President Andrew Johnson during his 1865-1869 White
House term. He, Anna, and Mary (daughter) were invited to a dance at the
White House during Johnson's term. He died of double pneumonia at the See
file for rest of information.
*age of 42. From Anna Baker Egger: "Amelia says his name was J. Henry Baker
*or Baker. Might even be Beker, Becker. You may have trouble because of the
*spelling in doing your research. Apparently the J. may stand for Jerome. My
*dad told me his mother died when she was 92.
Wife: Anna Barbara Krefs #146 Also known as Anna Barbara Kress died at age: 91
Married: 1848 in Germany (date prox.) his age: 16 her age: 17
Born: 19-Sep-1830 in Prussia, Germany 2
Died: 1922 in Washington, D. C. ?
Father: Unknown M. Krefs #2173
Mother: Unknown F. Krefs #2174
Name could be Kress. Came to America, age 19, married to Hieronymous. Arrived
at Port of Baltimore prox. 1849. Stayed with Anna Baker Egger for awhile.
William Baker cared for her. She was blind before she died. She was put in a
home run by the Little Sisters of the Poor. "I distinctly remember the
grandmother as she stayed a bit with us as my dad had cared for her before he
got married. I can see her sitting in a big chair with a cloth
*over her eyes as she was blind before she died. I must have been
*around 3....It seemed none of the children wanted to keep her and
*my mother had 2 little ones to care for and felt she had her hands
*full so she was put in an old age home run by the Little Sisters of
*the Poor." "My grandfather, grandmother and oldest daughter Mary
*Ockershausen were invited to a dance at the White House during the
*term of President Andrew Johnson's term (1865-1869)." This from
*Anna Baker Egger's letter of 8/26/1995.
*It took Anna about 3 months to get to America by sailboat.
F Child 1: Mary Baker #231
Born: 1854 in Washington, D. C. 3
Spouse: John Ockershausen #247 b. 10-Oct-1847
Mary and Lizzie both married brothers by the name of Ockershausen.
M Child 2: John Baker #548
Born: 1858 in Washington, D. C. 3
Spouse: Katie Baker #549
Per Anna Baker Egger: "Uncle Johnny Baker used to visit us I guess after his wife died and he used to call me "girlie."
In the Boyd's 1894 Directory for D.C., there are 13 John Baker's listed. It
may be that he is John P. Baker who is a cigar maker at 153 B S.E. but this
cannot be confirmed as yet.
F Child 3: Bertha Baker #24 Also known as Berthaa Backer died at age: 70
Born: 8-Apr-1860 in Georgetown, Washington, D. C. 4
Died: 24-Jul-1930 in Washington, D. C. 5
Buried: in Cedar Hill Cemetary, Suitland, MD 6
Naturalized: in 4-180-3 (tombstone + bronze marker) 7
Occupation: Seamstress 8
Spouse: Wilhelm Hausmann, Sr. #23 Also known as William b. 9-Jun-1862 d. 11-Jun-1938
Married: 10-May-1885 in West Washington Lutheran 9 (see note 1)
Marriage Sponsors: Lizzie Baker and August Schweigert Louis H. Schneider,
Luthran Pastor Bertha aka Berthaa B„cker's apron caught fire when she was
reaching into the oven. Her arm was badly burned and she was unable to move
it from the elbow after that. It did not slow her down, apparently, and she
continued to iron and do all household chores. See text file.
F Child 4: Elizabeth Mary Baker #230 died at age: 78
Born: 29-Jan-1862 in Georgetown, D. C. 3
Died: 23-Feb-1940 in Washington, D. C.
Spouse: George Ockershausen #246 b. 3-Feb-1852 d. 16-Feb-1926
Married: 12-Aug-1886 in St. John's Luth. Ch.,Washington, D. C. 10 (see note 2)
(Nickname) Lizzie and Mary married brothers by the name of Ockershausen Holy
card assumed to be this Elizabeth. Reads: Elizabeth Mary Ockershausen died
February 23, 1940, Age 77 yrs. 11 mo. 6 da. (Appears to be a Catholic
F Child 5: Annie Baker #1350
Born: 1865 in Georgetown, D. C. 11
Spouse: Unknown Clery #1351
Amelia Henry (daughter of Lizzie Baker Ockershausen) mentions this daughter;
however, there is no other information about her.
F Child 6: Fanny Elizabeth Baker #147 died at age: 79
Born: 30-Apr-1866 in Georgetown, Washington, D. C. 12
Baptized: 11-May-1866 in Holy Trinity Church, 3514 O St NW, D.C.
Died: 7-May-1945 in
Occupation: Dipped Chocolates
Spouse: John Klug #208
See Certificate of Baptism dated February 3, 1982 with note from Cora Klug to
Dorothy Offutt Thomas: "Dorothy, please let me know if you get this and what
you think. Love, Cora." Fanny was baptised Catholic by Rev. A. Charlin, S.
J. and her sponsor was Elizabeth May. The pastor in 1982 was James L. Connor,
S. J. May also be spelled Fannie.
M Child 7: William Valentine Baker #234 Also known as Uncle Willy, Backer died at age: 90
Born: 21-May-1869 in Washington, D. C. 13
Died: 5-Aug-1959 in 14
Buried: 8 Aug 1959 in Cedar Hill Cemetary, Suitland, MD 15
Occupation: Manufactured sauerkraut
Spouse: Clara Rose Klein #235 b. 2-Feb-1884 d. 21-May-1952
Went to St. Domonics and to Dennison and Curtis schools. From Anna Baker
Egger: "My dad worked at many different jobs. I have notes that he worked
for John Ockershausen, the baker at 21 and worked for him for 12 years. Also
worked at Krafts bakery. Also worked for George Ockershausen in the cigar
business. He worked in the pickle business for 8 or 9 years. How he ended up
in the sauerkraut business I don't know.
See file for more information.
F Child 8: Cora O. Baker #148
Born: after 1870 in 16
Buried: 12-May-1901 in Holy Rood, Georgetown, Washington, D. C.
Naturalized: in Sec. 37, Lot 421, #1 (single site)
Spouse: George Kain #149
Cora had three girls. All three became Dominican nuns. Information from Holy
Rood Cemetary says "See Sister Mary Margaret" and there is a notation of
$8.00. Also in site 2 is a Andre Trone who was buried May 21, 1904. "1514
Webster Ave., N.Y.City" and again $8.00. Doesn't appear to be related.
Tombstone reads: "Mother Cora O. Kain Died 5/12/1901 Age 32 years Rest In
Peace." Her year of birth is approximate.
M Child 9: Henry Baker #547
Born: after 1870 in 17
Henry went to Philadelphia, PA - According to William Baker (6/10/18) he was
never heard from again. There are 5 Henry Baker's in Boyd's 1894
D.C. Directory.
(1) Date from Family Bible. Henry Baker appears in the Charles County, MD,
Bryantown Dist census for 1860. Page 796. Ship records indicate he was born in
1837. 1870 census of Charles Cty makes his dob 1831. (Newburg, 2nd Dist. p,
(2) Prussia comes from 1870 Charles Cty census. (Newburgh, 2nd Dist, p. 25) Age
is 38 on 1870 census. This would mean birth year 1832 prox.
(3) See 1870 Charles County Census under H. J. Baker, Newburg, 2nd District, p. 25.
(4) Washington, D.C. is per information from Dorothy Offutt Thomas. See 1870
Charles County Census, Newburg, 2nd District, p. 25 Georgetown from 1870 census.
(5) Information from records of her daughter Cora Hausmann Offutt and a funeral
holy card with date.
(6) Per cemetary records and pictures of foot stones at cemetary.
(7) Per cemetary records.
(8) Per information from Cora Hausmann Offutt who learned to sew from her mother,
(9) Hausmann Bible.
(10) Copy of "Record of Marriage" from original DC Marriage Record microfilm in
(11) See 1870 Charles County Census under H. J. Baker, Newburg, 2nd District, p.
25 Gives age as 5 on September 7th , 1870 when census was done.
(12) Census for Charles County, Newburg, Maryland, 9/7/1870 - date of census.
Gives Georgetown, D.C. as place of birth and name as Fannie. She was age 3 on
the census. 25.
(13) See Charles County, Newburg, MD census for 1870. Give birthplace as
Washington, D.C. Date from his daughter Anna Marie Baker.
(14) Anna Marie Baker Egger provided information. See her book on her family.
(15) See funeral card: Hansen Funeral Home. Gives date of services at Saturday,
August 8, Washington, D.C. with burial in Cedarhill Cemetry, Maryland.
(16) This date is just a guess since she is not in the 1870 census with the rest
of her siblings. They are about 2 years apart generally.
(17) Henry does not appear in the 1870 census so it is assumed he had not been born.
Note 1 In searching Family Group Records at International Genealogical Index, you
find the marriage taking place at "Concordia Lutheran Evangelical Church,
Washington, District of Columbia, District of Columbia." Their names are
Wilhelm Haussmann and Bertha Baecker. The marriage date is still 10 May 1885.
Note 2 See copy of Record of Marriage in Lizzie's file. This is from the original
microfilm kept at the DC Marriage Bureau at 500 Indiana Ave, NW.