Went to St. Domonics and to Dennison and Curtis schools. From Anna Baker Egger: "My dad worked at many different jobs. I have notes that he worked *for John Ockershausen, the baker at 21 and worked for him for 12 years. Also worked at Krafts bakery. Also worked for George Ockershausen in the cigar business. He worked in the pickle business for 8 or 9 years. How he ended up in the sauerkraut business I don't know. From Anna Baker Egger 8/26/95: "It is sad that I don't have the beginning of the details of this last trade. He sold his business and retired around 1930-34." "My dad too had a "delicies" stand in the 21st St. Market - his main item was sauerkraut which he manufactured in late summer when the cabbage was ready, and he had a large 2 story warehouse in the back of his house on 31st St where he had a real big machine which cut and shredded the kraut, and he hired negroes who would stamp the kraut in huge barrels and stamp it down having on hip boots and mix the kraut with salt and water and when it reached the top they would weigh down the cabbage with large rocks, and let it ferment. He sold noodles, dried fruits, fresh coconut, all kinds of beans, pop, and many other items. In those days there wasn't canned foods like now. Kraut was a winter-spring delicacy."